
(Windows 10) GitBash not formatting colors - can't find configuration settings

笑着哭i 提交于 2021-02-19 05:31:16
问题 Background My GitBash command line is not showing colors or formatting and seems to be escaping characters... e.g. The Entity shortcut name: CarBundle:Car C[K7arBundle8a[K7rBundle8r[K7Bundle8B[K7undle8u[K7ndle8n[K7dle8d[K7le8l[K7e8e[K:[KC[Ka[Kr[K After doing some digging I found this solution: For displaying escaped characters, please try changing Git Bash options for terminal to "xterm-256color" by Right Click on Terminal > Options > Terminal > Type > xterm-256color Question I honestly can't

Find person who deleted a branch?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-02-19 05:28:18
问题 I need to find the person who deleted a branch in a project am working with By checking the repo folder/files in .git/refs/heads/ , I can not find any metadata with that information. What is the work around to find this/ him? 回答1: Git alone would not provide any audit log for who pushed what. You would need an authorization layer like gitolite in order to log those operations. Note that if you have access to the remote repo (to which a branch deletion was pushed), you can find trace of the

Find person who deleted a branch?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-02-19 05:27:23
问题 I need to find the person who deleted a branch in a project am working with By checking the repo folder/files in .git/refs/heads/ , I can not find any metadata with that information. What is the work around to find this/ him? 回答1: Git alone would not provide any audit log for who pushed what. You would need an authorization layer like gitolite in order to log those operations. Note that if you have access to the remote repo (to which a branch deletion was pushed), you can find trace of the

Netbeans 8.2 Can't Verify Git Credentials?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-02-19 05:24:23
问题 I have a Java project that I'm making which has had several commits on github. I recently changed OS versions on Kubuntu from 17.10 -> 18.04, and have installed Netbeans 8.2 with Java Version 1.8.0_171 to avoid Java 9+ compatibility issues. I can't clone the project from git, every time I try to import it using the built in Git "Team" support, my cridentials bounce back. This is mysterious since I use KeePassX to manage all my ID information and directly copy-paste it. I've verified that this


假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-02-19 04:58:05
如何切换本地的GIT账号 1.为什么登陆第一次Git之后,就不用登陆了呢? 因为电脑已经将你的登陆凭据给保存起来了。 这也正是你不知道如何切换账号的原因。 2.在哪里能看已经保存的登陆凭证呢?并能够切换账户呢? 第一步,打开控制面板:找到 ‘凭据管理’ 第二步,找到你的Git的链接地址,删除已经保存的凭证 第三步,去拉代码就行了。 他会提示你重新进行登陆 此教程到此就结束了。 来源: oschina 链接:

Triggering jenkins build over ssh?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-02-19 04:50:26
问题 I'm trying to trigger a Jenkins build from a USS (unix on z/os) git repository. The jenkins server is running in tomcat on my local windows machine. Most examples on the web describe a solution like this: and I managed to get that working on my home pc from a local windows-based git repo to my locally running jenkins server. Basically, this involves creating a post-commit hook and invoking a special Jenkins git

After changing the case of a filename, git complains about potential data loss on checkout

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-02-19 04:33:09
问题 Based on this answer I used git mv to change the case of the extension of a filename. Now however, whenever I try to change branch, I get the following error: git checkout MyBranch error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout: MyFile/With/The/OldExtension.Ext Please move or remove them before you switch branches. Aborting I can still change branches with --force , but don't really want to rely on this for obvious reasons. It seems to me that git's index

How can I use the new `git switch` syntax to create a new branch?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-02-19 04:22:49
问题 I am used to git checkout -b branchname to switch to a new branch named branchname . How do I do the same with git switch ? 回答1: The syntax for creating a new branch with git switch is git switch -c branchname or git switch --create branchname . 回答2: Actually, you don't even (always) need the --create option when creating a new branch with git switch: if that branch matches a remote tracking one, it will create a local branch, and automatically track the remote one! Meaning a simple git

How to manage branches with Kiln using Git?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-02-19 03:48:04
问题 My company is using Kiln so developers can use their preferred tool between Git and Mercurial. I’m a Git user and never used Mercurial. There are some incomprehensions in the use of branches with Kiln. When I create a new branch using the Kiln interface, it, in reality, creates a new repository, not a branch. Even if Kiln displays it as a "branch" and not a "repository". And when I clone the repository in Git, git branch -a does not show me the remote branch I just created. I need to clone

Using git source control with a website

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2021-02-19 03:34:21
问题 So I just want to set up Git on my server, but I'm running into a million problems so forget that. Can I set up a normal git repo and then have my web server "auto" sync (just read, I guess) with the git repo? I'm just part of a 2 person team and would prefer to use Git over any other version control. 回答1: TL;DR You can pull from your web server, but pushing to a non-bare repository requires a number of extra steps and can create problems. The right thing to do is usually to use a webhook or