

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-12 04:59:36
准备工作: 首先你需要一个github账号,所有还没有的话先去注册吧! 我们使用git需要先安装git工具,这里给出下载地址,下载后一路直接安装即可: 1.进入Github首页,点击New repository新建一个项目 2.填写相应信息后点击create即可 Repository name: 仓库名称 Description(可选): 仓库描述介绍 Public, Private : 仓库权限(公开共享,私有或指定合作者) Initialize this repository with a README: 添加一个 gitignore: 不需要进行版本管理的仓库类型,对应生成文件.gitignore license: 证书类型,对应生成文件LICENSE 4.点击Clone or dowload会出现一个地址,copy这个地址备用。 5.接下来就到本地操作了,首先右键你的项目,如果你之前安装git成功的话,右键会出现两个新选项,分别为Git Gui Here,Git Bash Here,这里我们选择Git Bash Here,进入如下界面,Test_Bluetooth即为我的项目名。 6.接下来输入如下代码(关键步骤)

How can I use Windows' built-in OpenSSH ssh-agent in VS Code, instead of Git bash's?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-01-29 02:08:15
问题 I am running OpenSSH on Windows, using the built-in OpenSSH included since the Autumn/Fall Creators Update. I am using ssh just fine in my PowerShell, but Visual Studio Remote Development (and I guess Git for Windows?) are not using my OpenSSH. Instead, they seem to be using the Git for Windows SSH client from MinGW. This means all my ssh-add ed keys are not present in the VS or Git ssh-agent . How can I get Visual Studio (and maybe Git?) to use the builtin OpenSSH install so that I can use

How to uninstall git-for-windows & re-install in new place?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-01-24 01:33:09
问题 I have updated/upgraded my installation of git-for-windows to git version using the command line method defined here. The original install folder was directly in C:\Users\MY_UNAME I would like to uninstall it ( and remove all of its associated files) from there. Then re-install it into a sub-folder of C:\Users\MY_UNAME say C:\Users\MY_UNAME\git_4win . How can accomplish this? 回答1: Look for the C:\Program Files\Git\unins001.exe or similar in your install folder. It is the

How to uninstall git-for-windows & re-install in new place?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-01-24 01:28:49
问题 I have updated/upgraded my installation of git-for-windows to git version using the command line method defined here. The original install folder was directly in C:\Users\MY_UNAME I would like to uninstall it ( and remove all of its associated files) from there. Then re-install it into a sub-folder of C:\Users\MY_UNAME say C:\Users\MY_UNAME\git_4win . How can accomplish this? 回答1: Look for the C:\Program Files\Git\unins001.exe or similar in your install folder. It is the

How to uninstall git-for-windows & re-install in new place?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2021-01-24 01:27:42
问题 I have updated/upgraded my installation of git-for-windows to git version using the command line method defined here. The original install folder was directly in C:\Users\MY_UNAME I would like to uninstall it ( and remove all of its associated files) from there. Then re-install it into a sub-folder of C:\Users\MY_UNAME say C:\Users\MY_UNAME\git_4win . How can accomplish this? 回答1: Look for the C:\Program Files\Git\unins001.exe or similar in your install folder. It is the

How to uninstall git-for-windows & re-install in new place?

一世执手 提交于 2021-01-24 01:26:49
问题 I have updated/upgraded my installation of git-for-windows to git version using the command line method defined here. The original install folder was directly in C:\Users\MY_UNAME I would like to uninstall it ( and remove all of its associated files) from there. Then re-install it into a sub-folder of C:\Users\MY_UNAME say C:\Users\MY_UNAME\git_4win . How can accomplish this? 回答1: Look for the C:\Program Files\Git\unins001.exe or similar in your install folder. It is the

How to uninstall git-for-windows & re-install in new place?

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-01-24 01:24:11
问题 I have updated/upgraded my installation of git-for-windows to git version using the command line method defined here. The original install folder was directly in C:\Users\MY_UNAME I would like to uninstall it ( and remove all of its associated files) from there. Then re-install it into a sub-folder of C:\Users\MY_UNAME say C:\Users\MY_UNAME\git_4win . How can accomplish this? 回答1: Look for the C:\Program Files\Git\unins001.exe or similar in your install folder. It is the

Windows Terminal下配置Git Bash中文乱码

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-08-16 22:32:07
解决方案4月29日:从淘宝npm的镜像中,下载git for windows 覆盖安装2.26.2版本,即可解决问题。 解决方案4月28日(已经作废): 在C:\Program Files\Git\etc\bash.bashrc(在相应的git-for-windows的安装路径下)文件末尾添加 # 让ls和dir命令显示中文和颜色 alias ls='ls --show-control-chars --color' alias dir='dir -N --color' # 设置为中文环境,使提示成为中文 export LANG="zh_CN" # 输出为中文编码 export OUTPUT_CHARSET="utf-8" # 可以输入中文 set meta-flag on set output-meta on set convert-meta off 参考: Cygwin设置中文 效果: 前置操作 安装DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline字体参考: Install fonts in Windows 10 · Issue #269 · powerline/fonts


柔情痞子 提交于 2020-08-15 10:40:50
一、git安装 1、git for windows 下载地址: 下载好安装包直接默认安装即可 2、git for contos 安装 # yum -y install git 3、查看 git 版本 # git --version 二、git使用前配置(必需) 1、配置git user 及email # git config --global user.neme "zhouzeheng" # git config --global "" 2、git配置文件目录,/用户家目录/.gitconfig 三、创建版本库 1、创建版本库目录及进入版本库 # mkdir /root/damo && cd /root/damo 2、初始化本地版本库 # git init 四、git基本操作命令 git命令 作用 git status 查看本地版本库信息,暂存空间、本地文件的增删改 git add 把本地文件提交到暂存空间,例如:# git add . or 文件名 git commit -m "版本信息" 把文件提交到本地版本库 git mv 修改文件名 git diff 本地文件与暂存区间的区别 gti diff --cached 暂存区间与本地版本库的区别 git log