ploting ggmap with geom Points (lat_long) annotated 1 to19. Points data is in CSVfile
问题 I am plotting with ggmap and ggplot2 using geom_point . I want to add annotation text (i.e., 1 to 19) close to the points as well. Here is my code: setwd("../Documents/MAPS") library(ggplot2) library(mapproj) library(maps) library(maptools) library(rgdal) library(ggmap) library(sp) bdl_sites <- get_map(location =c(lon = 34.832, lat = 0.852), colour = "colour", source = "google", maptype = "terrain", zoom = 9) save(bdl_sites, file = "bdl_sites.rda") load(file = "bdl_sites.rda") BDL_Org_Data