
[GIT实践]git实践系列之-- refs/for/branch和refs/head/branch

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-02-19 01:47:43
本文作者:francisk84 git的诞生历史 -- 摘选自《Pro git》 Linux 内核开源项目有着为数众多的参与者。 绝大多数的 Linux 内核维护工作都花在了提交补丁和保存归档的繁琐事务上(1991-2002年间)。 到 2002 年,整个项目组开始启用一个专有的分布式版本控制系统 BitKeeper 来管理和维护代码。 到了 2005 年,开发 BitKeeper 的商业公司同 Linux 内核开源社区的合作关系结束,他们收回了 Linux 内核社区免费使用 BitKeeper 的权力。 这就迫使 Linux 开源社区(特别是 Linux 的缔造者 Linus Torvalds)基于使用 BitKeeper 时的经验教训,开发出自己的版本系统。 他们对新的系统制订了若干目标: 1. 速度 2. 简单的设计 3. 对非线性开发模式的强力支持(允许成千上万个并行开发的分支) 4. 完全分布式 5. 有能力高效管理类似 Linux 内核一样的超大规模项目(速度和数据量) git push时的refs/for/[branch_name]和refs/head/[branch_name] 谈到git push时的refs/for/[branch_name]指令,其实它是 Gerrit 工具的一种机制。简单的说,Gerrit为了保证每次代码提交都强制开启代码评审

Force push to Gerrit even with no new changes

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-07 20:25:48
问题 I want to push a patchset to Gerrit which has already been pushed. Originally when the patches were sent up, the build system did not trigger. I need to trigger it again by resubmitting all patches. Gerrit rejects this with ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/branch (no new changes) I know there are no new changes but I want to push anyway. How can I do this? --force flag has no effect. 回答1: Execute "commit --amend, change the commit message and push again. 来源:

Gerrit: ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/master (no new changes)

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-07 11:45:08
问题 I made some changes, committed them and pushed the branch to Gerrit ( git push gerrit ). Now my changes don't appear in Gerrit and I assume this is because I pushed the changes manually instead of using git review. When I run git review now, Im getting this error: remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done To ssh://user@gerrit-host:29418/Project ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/master (no new changes) error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://user@gerrit-host:29418/Project' How can I

How to login Gerrit as Administrator

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-07 11:23:33
问题 I installed my gerrit on Ubuntu server. As gerrit said:The first people who logined gerrit is Administrator. So I logined first with openID (google account),and I am the Administrator indeed. But,when next day I relogin gerrit with my google account, I become a new register. The id is 100001(Administrator 's id is 100000),but both email are google's email,and are same. What happened? 回答1: The easiest way is to temporarily disable authenticated logins. Edit your [auth] statement in gerrit

Can I use git command in delivery pipeline if git is installed in different path on jenkins agent than on master

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-02-07 10:20:31
问题 I have the following scenario. I tried a simple pipeline job that clones my remote repo. It works fine when i set it to execute on master. node { //stage 'Checkout' git([url: 'ssh://someusername@gerrit.mycompany.domain:29418/bla/bla.git', branch: 'mybranch']) } It uses the default git installation to run the command. I have configured git on a different pat for slave in jenkins configuration. when i try to run the same pipeline on a slave, it fails because it always tries to go the default

Can I use git command in delivery pipeline if git is installed in different path on jenkins agent than on master

梦想与她 提交于 2021-02-07 10:20:10
问题 I have the following scenario. I tried a simple pipeline job that clones my remote repo. It works fine when i set it to execute on master. node { //stage 'Checkout' git([url: 'ssh://someusername@gerrit.mycompany.domain:29418/bla/bla.git', branch: 'mybranch']) } It uses the default git installation to run the command. I have configured git on a different pat for slave in jenkins configuration. when i try to run the same pipeline on a slave, it fails because it always tries to go the default

How to make a branch review with Gerrit

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-02-05 08:31:10
问题 I'm choosing a free tool to enforce code-review, I'm thinking about gerrit. The idea is to review the code of a branch with multiple changes (commits). How can I do a branch review with gerrit? The goal is do analyse all branch changes in one gerrit change. Thanks 回答1: If you want to review a branch with multiple commits Gerrit isn't an appropriate tool for that. Reviews in Gerrit are performed in every commit individually. Github or Bitbucket are tools suitable for branch review. Answered

How to make a branch review with Gerrit

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-02-05 08:29:27
问题 I'm choosing a free tool to enforce code-review, I'm thinking about gerrit. The idea is to review the code of a branch with multiple changes (commits). How can I do a branch review with gerrit? The goal is do analyse all branch changes in one gerrit change. Thanks 回答1: If you want to review a branch with multiple commits Gerrit isn't an appropriate tool for that. Reviews in Gerrit are performed in every commit individually. Github or Bitbucket are tools suitable for branch review. Answered

How to add descption to a given patchset in Gerrit?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-01-29 07:25:45
问题 I can create new patchset to a given Gerrit without issues. However, I would like to describe what the patchset is about. I have been doing that as part of the commit message, as I commit -amend and push the new patchset with the revised comment. Is there a well defined way of describing the patchset in the commit message, so Gerrit can automatically set its description? The only mentioning of the description I found so far was from this page:

how to clone/fetch the Gerrit slaves using HTTP protocol

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-01-29 07:20:34
问题 I have configured gerrit master slave configuration. Currently Gerrit slave supports only ssh for git connection. But in future ssh will be decommissioned and unifying to https. Therefore gerrit slave need to support https. how to clone/fetch the Gerrit slaves using HTTP protocol 来源: