
get place name by providing lat and long

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-03 21:55:01
In my application i want to get the weather report I'm using "" for that by providing a city. But for me only lat and longitude is available How can I get the place name by lat and longitudes. FYI, what you're doing is called reverse geocoding. Most of the Geonames webservices are available in JSON, including findNearby. Google also has a reverse geocoding webservice What you're asking is not a small thing - a lat/lng database is almost certainly going to be presented in either XML or JSON, so it might be worth investing a little time and effort in this.

Getting Time Zone from Lat Long Coordinates? [duplicate]

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-03 01:59:31
This question already has an answer here: How to get a time zone from a location using latitude and longitude coordinates? 14 answers I am trying to get the time zones for latitude and longitude coordinates but am having a few problems The mistakes are probably very basic I have a table in a database with around 600 rows. Each row contains a lat long coordinate for somewhere in the world I want to feed these co-ordinates into a function and then retrieve the time zone. The aim being to convert events which have a local time stamp within each of these 600 places into UTC time I found a blog

How to get a list of suburbs surrounding a location then repeat for other locations using MySql?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-11-28 02:18:00
I get a list of suburbs within a specified distance from a single location using Queries A . I’m trying to adapt Queries A to get a list of suburbs surrounding location1, then get list of suburbs surrounding location2 and so on (I'll call this Queries B ). Essentially Queries B is doing the same as Queries A, but repeating it for each separate location. My question- how can I do this using MySQL only. Suggestions on how to do this are much appreciated. Here is a sample of the data I am working with. SqlFiddle here CREATE TABLE `geoname` ( `geonameid` INT(11) NOT NULL, `asciiname` VARCHAR(200)

How to get a list of suburbs surrounding a location then repeat for other locations using MySql?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-11-26 23:40:20
问题 I get a list of suburbs within a specified distance from a single location using Queries A . I’m trying to adapt Queries A to get a list of suburbs surrounding location1, then get list of suburbs surrounding location2 and so on (I'll call this Queries B ). Essentially Queries B is doing the same as Queries A, but repeating it for each separate location. My question- how can I do this using MySQL only. Suggestions on how to do this are much appreciated. Here is a sample of the data I am