Getting Time Zone from Lat Long Coordinates? [duplicate]

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-03 01:59:31

This works as expected:

import geonames
geonames_client = geonames.GeonamesClient('demo')
geonames_result = geonames_client.find_timezone({'lat': 48.871236, 'lng': 2.77928})
print geonames_result['timezoneId']



With tzwhere and pytz:

import datetime
import pytz
from tzwhere import tzwhere

tzwhere = tzwhere.tzwhere()
timezone_str = tzwhere.tzNameAt(37.3880961, -5.9823299) # Seville coordinates
#> Europe/Madrid

timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone_str)
dt =
#> datetime.timedelta(0, 7200)

I was able to do a lookup suitable for my purposes using timezonefinder:

import datetime
import timezonefinder, pytz

tf = timezonefinder.TimezoneFinder()

# Get the tz-database-style time zone name (e.g. 'America/Vancouver') or None
timezone_str = tf.certain_timezone_at(lat=49.2827, lng=-123.1207)

if timezone_str is None:
    print "Could not determine the time zone"
    # Display the current time in that time zone
    timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone_str)
    dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    print "The time in %s is %s" % (timezone_str, dt + timezone.utcoffset(dt))

There's a discussion of the methods of timezonefinder and its limitations on its pypi page.

timezonefinder and pytz can be found in the pip packages of the same name.

import requests
lat = 48.871236 ## your latitude
lon = 2.77928 ## your longitude

url = "{}&lng={}&username=demo".format(lat,lon)

r = requests.get(url) ## Make a request
return r.json()['timezoneId'] ## return the timezone