Geopandas dataframe to GeoJSON to Elasticsearch index?
问题 I've a question that is related to this question: I'm relatively new to python and now have started to visualize in Kibana, which I'm brand new at (as in, I've never used it before). Now I have a pandas datafram geoseries like this: ID Geometry 0 9417 POLYGON ((229611.185 536552.731, 229611.100 53... 1 3606 POLYGON ((131122.280 460609.117, 131108.312 46... 2 1822 POLYGON ((113160.653 517762.384, 113169.755 51... 3 7325 POLYGON ((196861.725 470370.632, 196869.990 47... 4 9258 POLYGON ((201372