
Extracting View Frustum Planes (Hartmann & Gribbs method)

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-04 10:32:32
问题 I have been grappling with the Hartmann/Gribbs method of extracting the Frustum planes for some time now, with little success. I want to build a camera view-frustum to cull my scene. I am working with column-major matrices in a right-handed coordinate system. (OpenGL style - I'm using C# and Playstation Mobile, but the math should be the same) I want to get my planes in World-Space, so I build my frustum from the View-Projection Matrix (that's projectionMatrix * viewMatrix). The view Matrix

How to select and highlight multiple objects with rectangular selection (ribbon) in three.js

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-04 02:24:12
问题 Here I'm trying draw a rect using bounding box in mouse drag and hightlight the objects inside the rect. To draw a rect using box3 (bounding box) on mouse down and mouse up and highlight the particular object inside the rect(bounding box). I think I can achieve them with picking the object inside the bounding box which I don't have a clear idea towards it. Here's the fiddle var camera, scene, renderer, mesh, material, controls; init(); animate(); addCubes();

How to compute the size of the rectangle that is visible to the camera at a given coordinate? [duplicate]

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-03 16:15:25
This question already has an answer here: Three.js - Width of view 1 answer I made a small three.js app that moves a bunch of circles from the bottom of the canvas to the top: let renderer, scene, light, circles, camera; initialize(); animate(); function initialize() { renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ alpha: true, antialias: true }); renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElement); scene = new THREE.Scene(); light = new THREE.AmbientLight(); scene.add(light); circles = new THREE.Group(); scene.add(circles); camera = new THREE

Extracting View Frustum Planes (Hartmann & Gribbs method)

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-03 07:19:45
I have been grappling with the Hartmann/Gribbs method of extracting the Frustum planes for some time now, with little success. I want to build a camera view-frustum to cull my scene. I am working with column-major matrices in a right-handed coordinate system. (OpenGL style - I'm using C# and Playstation Mobile, but the math should be the same) I want to get my planes in World-Space, so I build my frustum from the View-Projection Matrix (that's projectionMatrix * viewMatrix). The view Matrix is the inverse of the camera's World-Transform. The problem is; regardless of what I tweak, I can't seem

How to select and highlight multiple objects with rectangular selection (ribbon) in three.js

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-01 13:03:41
Here I'm trying draw a rect using bounding box in mouse drag and hightlight the objects inside the rect. To draw a rect using box3 (bounding box) on mouse down and mouse up and highlight the particular object inside the rect(bounding box). I think I can achieve them with picking the object inside the bounding box which I don't have a clear idea towards it. Here's the fiddle var camera, scene, renderer, mesh, material, controls; init(); animate(); addCubes(); render(); function addCubes() { var xDistance = 50; var zDistance = 30; var geometry = new THREE

How to check if an object lies outside the clipping volume in OpenGL?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-11-28 20:55:10
I'm really confused about OpenGL's modelview transformation. I understand all the transformation processes, but when it comes to projection matrix, I'm lost :( If I have a point P (x, y, z), how can I check to see if this point will be drawn on a clipping volume defined by either by parallel clipping volume or perspective clipping volume? What's the mathematical background behind this process? Mikola Apply the model-view-projection matrix to the object, then check if it lies outside the clip coordinate frustum, which is defined by the planes: -w < x < w -w < y < w 0 < z < w So if you have a

How to check if an object lies outside the clipping volume in OpenGL?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-11-27 13:32:06
问题 I'm really confused about OpenGL's modelview transformation. I understand all the transformation processes, but when it comes to projection matrix, I'm lost :( If I have a point P (x, y, z), how can I check to see if this point will be drawn on a clipping volume defined by either by parallel clipping volume or perspective clipping volume? What's the mathematical background behind this process? 回答1: Apply the model-view-projection matrix to the object, then check if it lies outside the clip