
Get the frequency of an audio file in every 1/4 seconds in android

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-09 11:49:40
问题 I have a sound file (.3gp) and its about ~1 min. I would like to get the frequency of this sound file in every 1/4 seconds. My idea is to receive samples in every 1/4 seconds from the audio file and using FFT I might get the frequency values. Is there any way to do this? Actually I would split the sound file into 1/4sec samples sound files (alwyas overwriting the preveious one), then using FFT algorithm and detect the frequency where the magintude is the bigggest. But there might be easier

Fundamental Frequency + Voice Detection in c#

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-09 06:54:42
问题 I'm trying to detect voice throught input from the microphone in real-time. I allready receive the input, execute FFT algorithm and have the result in dB. I have a frequency domain, a time domain and a spectogram. How can I get the fundamental frequency? If I get the fundamental frequency can I specify that if the frequency is between certain values, then it is voice that we are talking? Is there any other way to do this with the things that I allready have? Tks in advance 回答1: There are many

Cutting of unused frequencies in specgram matplotlib

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-09 04:48:29
问题 I have a signal with sampling rate 16e3, its frequency range is from 125 to 1000 Hz. So if i plot a specgram i get a pretty small colorrange because of all the unused frequencys. ive tried to fix it with setting ax limits but that does not work. is there any way to cut off unused frequencys or replace them with NaNs? Resampling the Data to 2e3 won't work because there are still some not used frequencys below 125 Hz. Thanks for your help. 回答1: specgram() is doing all the work for you. If you

elasticsearch disable term frequency scoring

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-08 17:36:26
问题 I want to change the scoring system in elasticsearch to get rid of counting multiple appearances of a term. For example, I want: "texas texas texas" and "texas" to come out as the same score. I had found this mapping that elasticsearch said would disable term frequency counting but my searches do not come out as the same score: "mappings":{ "business": { "properties" : { "name" : { "type" : "string", "index_options" : "docs", "norms" : { "enabled": false}} } } } } Any help will be appreciated

Finding Frequency of numbers in a given group of numbers

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-08 16:27:34
问题 Suppose we have a vector/array in C++ and we wish to count which of these N elements has maximum repetitive occurrences and output the highest count. Which algorithm is best suited for this job. example: int a = { 2, 456, 34, 3456, 2, 435, 2, 456, 2} the output is 4 because 2 occurs 4 times. That is the maximum number of times 2 occurs. 回答1: Sort the array and then do a quick pass to count each number. The algorithm has O(N*logN) complexity. Alternatively, create a hash table, using the

Frequency Count of Number in an array in C is this code effective and efficient [closed]

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-08 15:15:10
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 4 years ago . I have the following code in c for counting frequency of number from array: #define MAX 10 int flag=0; void display(int no,int cnt,int visi[]);//function declaration int main() { int arr[]={1,1,1,2,3,4,2,2,3,1};//asume any array or we can enter from user int visited[MAX]; int i,j

Python web scraping, counting the occurrence of a list of words of each page

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-12-08 13:11:49
问题 So i am trying to find a set of specific word ("shall" "may" "must" etc) of each page, and add up its occurrence, the code I used: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer import re def levelfour(main_url): pattern = re.compile(r"\bmay not\b", re.IGNORECASE) pattern1 = re.compile(r"\bshall\b", re.IGNORECASE) pattern2 = re.compile(r"\bmust\b", re.IGNORECASE) pattern3 = re.compile(r"\bprohibited\b", re.IGNORECASE) pattern4 = re.compile(r"\brequired\b", re.IGNORECASE) r =

More accurate estimating guitar pitch frequency based on FFT(already) result

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-08 12:54:59
问题 I have used FFT algorithm to detect frequency of the sound(guitar pitch) and it works great when I play sinosoidal sound from the computer it will estimate it perfectly but it is not so perfect when i use guitar. How to better estimate the pitch frequency? double[] spectrum = FourierTransform.Spectrum(ref sampleBuffer);//spectrum contains data from FFT double frequency = indexOfMax(spectrum) * 16000 / 500; //sampling rate/FFT size //indexOfMax just finds the index of the maximum element in

Java: How to get current frequency of audio input?

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-08 12:37:19
问题 I want to analyse the current frequency of the microphone input to synchronize my LEDs with the music playing. I know how to capture the sound from the microphone, but I don't know about FFT, which I often saw while searching for a solution to get the frequency. I want to test if the current volume of a certain frequency is bigger than a set value. The code should be looking something like this: if(frequency > value) { LEDs on else { LEDs off } My problem is how to implement FFT in Java. For

Digit frequency program for large input

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-08 09:17:54
问题 I have written the below program to find out number of times each digit is occurring in the array of characters. int main(){ char s[2000],count,j=0; fgets(s,2000,stdin); for(int i=0;i<=9;i++) { count=0;j=0; while(*(s+j)) { if(isdigit(*(s+j))) { if(i==(*(s+j)-'0')) count++; } j++; } printf("%d ",count); } return 0; } But it ain't working for large input. b3n47b5xf13qlx233rg4u2c949i623e34nt5661se06b675utbpy258wz633855846l761d61x340h1vn19w191sj18v2u333556bh6m5uc4u050am05p961dhmpu6iq4667zg9 The