
Is it possible to feed MediaCodec Bytearray received by Server, and show them on SurfaceView

三世轮回 提交于 2020-01-07 04:51:08
问题 everyone. How i can do this if i take frame by frame stream video by server, I have PPS and SPS, and configure mediaCodec with this parametrs, also I have width and height. I'll glad any help.This example how id did it. Mediacodec, decode byte packet from server and render it on surface 来源:

ffmpeg - extract exact number of frames from video

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-01-07 03:16:20
问题 I want to create a maximum of 30 images from a video (and tile them for a sprite sheet). I've tried using the 'select' with 'mod' but if the total number of frames does not fit neatly into the desired number of images (30) then I sometimes end up with more images, sometimes less. For example if my video is 72 frames long, my 'mod' would be 72 / 30, which is 2.4. I'm running this from a python script so i'm doing something like the following for the filter: select='not(mod(n\," + str(mod) + ")

ffmpegX extract frames from video

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-01-05 09:25:13
问题 I found this tutorial: Where it tells me how to extract frames from a video with ffmpegX from the commandline (at least that is what I understood). I cd in the directory where the .MOV files is I want to extract and ran in the Mac OS Terminal(!): ffmpeg -i mymov.MOV -r 25 -f image2 images%05d.png and ffmpegX -i mymov.MOV -r 25 -f image2 images%05d.png But on both I get: -bash: ffmpegX: command not found All this on a Mac. Any

PowerPoint VBA: which command (or a set of commands) would create ppt frames out of my .jpg pictures?

允我心安 提交于 2020-01-03 16:49:20
问题 I have a few .jpg files in C:\my_folder Here are their names: pic_1.jpg , pic_2.jpg , pic_3.jpg , pic_4.jpg , pic_5.jpg . What command or a group of commands in Power Point VBA should I use in order to be able to automatically create several frames in PowerPoint so that each frame would contain one picture? 回答1: This VBScript creates a new PowerPoint presentation and adds two slides to it, each with a picture. You will need to adjust the picture's location and size to suit your taste. Also

Tkinter Nested Frames with Grid Manager Issues

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-01-03 02:58:11
问题 I am redesigning the layout for a interface using python 2.6 and the standard Tkinter included with it. Trouble is that I am noticing some strange behavior, and I am new to Tkinter so this may just be something simple I am overlooking due to inexperience. Here is some example code of how I am nesting frames inside a master frame in order to get the desired layout: import Tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() master = tk.Frame(root) frame = tk.Frame(master).grid(sticky = tk.W) item1 = "Label One" L1 =

Removing HTML frames

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-01-03 02:41:09
问题 I have a website which splits the screen into two frames; the top half is the name of my website; the bottom half is an advertised website. I want it so if the user clicks the link on the top half (my website) the user is taken to my homepage. This works, but my website is loaded into the top half and not the whole screen. How do I get the link to remove the frames and display my website in the whole browser. Here's what I'm talking about: Have

how to select specific frames from a video in MATLAB?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-01-01 18:27:48
问题 I am working on a project about lip recognition and I have to read a recorded a video at a frame rate of 30 fps so, if I have 70 frames I need just to acquire or select a representative frame every 8 frames as the shortest video which has number of frames in the data set is of 16 frames but my problem is to adjust the for loop every 8 frames,and it can't read any frame is the problem about the video reader??so,please if you have any idea I would be grateful thanks,, v = VideoReader('1 - 1.avi

Time stamped video to time stamped images

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-31 07:31:36
问题 I have a time stamped AVI video file. I want to create images from the frames of the video but I need them to also have a time associated with them as well. I can create images from the video through FFmpeg using: ffmpeg -i video.avi -r 0.1 image_%05.jpeg However this images do not have a time embedded. Is it possible to also take the time associated with each frame in the video? My end goal is to sync the time stamp with a GPS track to geotag the images (from the video frames.) 回答1:

Disable Cookies Inside A Frame/Iframe

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-30 08:41:15
问题 Is there any way to programatically disable cookies being created by a page displayed inside of a frame/iframe? Or to generalise further, is it possible to programatically disable javascript running on such a page? Thanks, DLiKS 回答1: with iframe sandbox attribute (html5) it will be possible (implemented in chrome) NullUserException already answered what you can do today without browser support 回答2: The only way you could change

OpenCV frame capture from AVI

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-30 06:52:11
问题 I am working on a project with openCV 2.2. I need to do processing on each frame of an AVI file but when I run my code it only grabs the first frame of the file. The CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES does not seem to be working. Any ideas why not? CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromAVI("test1.avi"); IplImage *img = 0; if (!cvGrabFrame(capture)) { printf("Error: Couldn't open the image file.\n"); return 1; } int numFrames = (int) cvGetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT); int posFrame = 1;