Efficient Bicubic filtering code in GLSL?
I'm wondering if anyone has complete, working, and efficient code to do bicubic texture filtering in glsl. There is this: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/236394/Bi-Cubic-and-Bi-Linear-Interpolation-with-GLSL or https://github.com/visionworkbench/visionworkbench/blob/master/src/vw/GPU/Shaders/Interp/interpolation-bicubic.glsl but both do 16 texture reads where only 4 are necessary: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.graphics.api.opengl/kqrujgJfTxo However the method above uses a missing "cubic()" function that I don't know what it is supposed to do, and also takes an unexplained