
What should be the grok pattern for thoses logs ? (ingest pipeline for filebeat)

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-12 18:19:44
问题 I'm new in the elasticsearch community and I would like your help on something I'm struggeling with. My goal is to send huge quantity of log files to Elasticsearch using Filebeat. In order to do that I need to parse data using ingest nodes with Grok pattern processor. Without doing that, all my logs are not exploitable as each like fall in the same "message" field. Unfortunately I have some issues with the grok regex and I can't find the problem as It's the first time I work with that. My

ElasticSearch 5.0.0-aplha4 won't start without setting vm.max_map_count

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-12 11:49:17
问题 I wish to update my ES version from 2.3 to 5.0.0-alpha4 to be able to use Ingest nodes and remove Logstash out of the question. But it seems ES 5.x version won't start without me setting vm.max_map_count to 262144. I don't want to set that value..I am okay with default value 65530. Can anyone guide me how to get ES 5.x started without tampering memory settings at all. I don't have access to root user on the host on which i wish to install ES. Error: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:


生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-12 08:11:11
简单介绍: 因为Kafka集群是把状态信息保存在Zookeeper中的,并且Kafka的动态扩容是通过Zookeeper来实现的,所以需要优先搭建Zookeerper集群,建立分布式状态管理。开始准备环境,搭建集群: zookeeper是基于Java环境开发的所以需要先安装Java 然后这里使用的zookeeper安装包版本为zookeeper-3.4.14,Kafka的安装包版本为kafka_2.11-2.2.0。 AMQP协议:Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (高级消息队列协议)是一个标准开放的应用层的消息中间件协议。AMQP定义了通过网络发送的字节流的数据格式。因此兼容性非常好,任何实现AMQP协议的程序都可以和与AMQP协议兼容的其他程序交互,可以很容易做到跨语言,跨平台。 一、首先做好kafka 1、准备三台服务器,推荐每台2个G,记得关闭防火墙 server1: server2: server3: 2、三台都得配置jdk环境,1.8以上,修改主机名并且配置主机名 hostname kafka01 hostname kafka02 hostname kafka03 cat /etc/hosts

Logstash HTTP output can't post to to HTTPS endpoint requiring client certificates

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-12 03:06:39
问题 I'm currently attempting to send some sample events from Logstash receiving servers on our production environment to a testing env via the http output. The server on the receiving end is a custom Nginx HTTPS endpoint which accepts post data (endpoints for both single events, and bulk events to support Elasticsearch bulk indexing format) and places it into a redis queue, which is eventually read by Logstash processing servers. The current http output on the logstash receiving server looks

Add fields to logstash based off of filebeat data

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-12 01:58:15
问题 So, I have a hostname that is being set by filebeat (and I've written a regex that should grab it), but the following isn't adding fields the way that I think it should.. grok{ patterns_dir => "/config/patterns" match =>{ "beat.hostname" => ["%{INSTALLATION}-%{DOMAIN}-%{SERVICE}"] } add_field => { "[installation]" => "%{INSTALLATION}"} add_field => { "[domain]" => "%{DOMAIN}"} add_field => { "[service]" => "%{SERVICE}"} } I can't seem to access beat.hostname, hostname, host or anything like

Why are there no logstash indexes in kibana

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-12 01:29:48
问题 I set up ELK stack and filebeat with my ELK node as a RedHat server following the digitalocean tutorial. Kibana is up and running, but I dont see any logstash indexes when I go to configure an index pattern as logstash-*: Unable to fetch mapping. Do you have any indices matching the pattern? When I do a curl to see the indexes I have, they are only filebeat indexes. Filebeat should be pushing data to logstash which is listening on 5044 $curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v' health status index

Add extra value to field before sending to elasticsearch

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-11 16:52:43
问题 I'm using logstash, filebeat and grok to send data from logs to my elastisearch instance. This is the grok configuration in the pipe filter { grok { match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:messageDate} %{GREEDYDATA:messagge}" } } } This works fine, the issue is that messageDate is in this format Jan 15 11:18:25 and it doesn't have a year entry. Now, i actually know the year these files were created in and i was wondering if it is possible to add the value to the field during the process,

log-pilot 多行日志合并multiline

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-11 12:13:44
将filebeat.tpl从启动的pod中拷贝到本地 $ kubectl cp kube-system/log-pilot-hvf6h:/pilot/filebeat.tpl ./filebeat.tpl 修改filebeat.tpl文件,增加multiline参数 $ vi filebeat.tpl {{range .configList}} ...... multiline.pattern: '^\[|^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' multiline.negate: true multiline.match: after multiline.timeout: 15s 编写Dockerfile,修改现有log-pilot镜像 FROM COPY filebeat.tpl /pilot/filebeat.tpl 重启log-pilot 1. kubectl delete -f log-pilot.yaml 2. 修改log-pilot.yaml中的镜像地址 3. kubectl apply -f log-pilot.yaml 来源: CSDN 作者: 米花mo 链接: https:/

ELK + filebeat 7.4.2 采集tomcat日志-新手使用记录

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-11 06:50:27
简单介绍 ELK,日志记录管理全家桶,E:elasticsearch,L:logstash,K:kibana,本文除了部署使用ELK,还会加上filebeat和elasticsearch-head插件。 ElasticSearch 是一个基于Lucenc的搜索服务器,是用来搜索日志用的 logstash 是用来接收日志,并且把日志输出到elasticsearch kibana 是一个针对elasticsearch的图形化服务,方便去查询日志 filebeat 也是用来搜集日志的,常和logstash配合使用,因为filebeat运行占用的资源比logstash少,但是功能不及logstash强大,所以很多时候都是filebeat搜集日志,传给logstash,然后logstash收到数据后,经过filter配置,把日志输出到elasticsearch elasticsearch-head插件 ,也是用来管理elasticsearch的极简图形化界面 丢个官方连接,除了head插件,其他都能在这里下载: 不知道你们网速咋样,反正我下载的很慢...这里丢个网盘连接 链接: 提取码:k4ow

Logstash is not reading from Kafka

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-11 06:15:23
问题 I am testing a simple pipeline - Filebeat > Fafka > Logstash > File. Logstash is not reading from Kafka, but I see Kafka has messages when i use this command - bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic MyTopic --from-beginning My file beat configuration - filebeat.prospectors: - input_type: log paths: - /root/LogData/input.log output.kafka: hosts: [""] topic: MyTopic partition.round_robin: reachable_only: false required_acks: 1 compression: none