I'm new in the elasticsearch community and I would like your help on something I'm struggeling with. My goal is to send huge quantity of log files to Elasticsearch using Filebeat. In order to do that I need to parse data using ingest nodes with Grok pattern processor. Without doing that, all my logs are not exploitable as each like fall in the same "message" field. Unfortunately I have some issues with the grok regex and I can't find the problem as It's the first time I work with that. My logs look like that:
2016-09-01T10:58:41+02:00 INFO (6): entreprise1 email1@gmail.com POST /application/controller/action Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko {"getid":"1"} 86rkt2dqsdze5if1bqldfl1
2016-09-01T10:58:41+02:00 INFO (6): entreprise2 email2@gmail.com POST /application/controller/action Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko {"getid":"2"} 86rkt2rgdgdfgdfgeqldfl1
2016-09-01T10:58:41+02:00 INFO (6): entreprise3 email3@gmail.com POST /application/controller/action Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko {"getid":"2"}
So we have tabs as separator, and those fields: date, ip, company_name, email, method(post,get), url, browser, json_request, optional_code
My ingest pipeline json looks like that:
PUT _ingest/pipeline/elastic_log_index
"description" : "Convert logs txt files",
"processors" : [
"grok": {
"field": "message",
"patterns": ["%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{IP:ip} %{WORD:company}% {EMAILADDRESS:email} %{URIPROTO:method} %{URIPATH:page} %{WORD:browser} %{WORD:code}"]
"date" : {
"field" : "timestamp",
"formats" : ["yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss INFO(6):"]
"on_failure" : [
"set" : {
"field" : "error",
"value" : " - Error processing message - "
This does not work.
1) How can I escape character(s) ? For example "INFO (6):" at the end of timestamp
2) Can I just use space between field in my gork pattern ? Separators in files log are tabs.
3) The code at the end of lines is not always present in logs, can this be a problem ?
4) Do you have ideas why this configuration doesnt parse in anyway my logs document under elasticsearch ?
Thanks a lot for your help and excuse my level of english I'm french.
Your grok pattern doesn't match everything in your log which is why it doesn't work. For instance, %{WORD}
will only match Mozilla
, not /5.0
. You can create custom pattern to match entire browser/version
like this (?<browser>%{WORD}(/%{NUMBER})?)
You can escape INFO (6):
by simply matching it with .*
and it will be ignored in the output.
As far as the spaces are concerned, please match them using predefined grok pattern %{SPACE}
code in the end can become optional by creating a custom pattern, i.e. (?<optional_code>%{WORD}?)
Your entire grok pattern will then become,
It will output,
"timestamp": [
"YEAR": [
"HOUR": [
"ip": [
"IPV6": [
"IPV4": [
"SPACE": [
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "
"company_name": [
"email": [
"method": [
"page": [
"browser": [
"WORD": [
"BASE10NUM": [
"content": [
"Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0"
"json": [
"optional_code": [
When testing online please add custom patterns for email, as they are currently not supported,
EMAILLOCALPART [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.+-=:]+