
Converting text in Matplotlib when exporting .eps files

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-23 07:12:05
问题 I'd like to be able to save Matplotlib plots and add them directly as vector graphics in Microsoft Word documents. However, the only format supported by Word and Matplotlib both is .eps, and the axis text is completely missing in Word if I try. I'll show you: Here's a minimal working example script: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np axes = plt.gca() data = np.random.random((2, 100)) axes.plot(data[0, :], data[1, :]) Here's the image I get if I save the plot as .png using the

Ghostscript: convert PDF to EPS with embeded font rather than outlined curve

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-22 09:55:48
问题 I use the following command to convert a PDF to EPS: gswin32 -dNOCACHE -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -sDEVICE=epswrite -dLanguageLevel=2 -sOutputFile=test.eps -f test.pdf I then use the following command to convert the EPS to another PDF (test2.pdf) to view the EPS figure. gswin32 -dSAFER -dNOPLATFONTS -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dEPSCrop -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true -sOutputFile=test2.pdf -f test.eps I found

Plus/minus symbol in gnuplot?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-22 06:08:32
问题 I'm generating .eps figures in gnuplot for inclusion into papers typeset with LaTeX, using set terminal postscript eps enhanced "Helvetica" 14 This generally works perfectly, but i'm now trying to put together a figure using a label that includes a ± symbol. If I use it directly, e.g. set label "-56±2" then it appears correctly on the default 'wxt' terminal but is prefixed by an A with a circumflex (i.e. -56±2) in the postscript output. Using set label "-56^+/-2" works but looks rubbish. In

How can I extract color values from an EPS file?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-19 11:27:43
问题 I'm trying to find all fill and stroke values used in an EPS file. I can parse the file, I just can't figure out how color values are defined in the EPS postscript section. I have converted the file to SVG (using ghostscript) and I can get the hex values, but an EPS to SVG conversion with a gradient produces files 20x the size. Is there a standard format for color values in postscript that I can extract from an EPS file? 回答1: PostScript is a programming language, not a simple file format, so

How can I extract color values from an EPS file?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-19 11:26:08
问题 I'm trying to find all fill and stroke values used in an EPS file. I can parse the file, I just can't figure out how color values are defined in the EPS postscript section. I have converted the file to SVG (using ghostscript) and I can get the hex values, but an EPS to SVG conversion with a gradient produces files 20x the size. Is there a standard format for color values in postscript that I can extract from an EPS file? 回答1: PostScript is a programming language, not a simple file format, so

disturbing artifacts in pdf

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-18 04:22:00
问题 I'm struggling with a problem when making plots with filledcurves. Between the filled areas, there seems to be a "gap". However, these artifacts do not appear on the print, but depend on the viewer and zoom-options. In Gnuplot I use the eps terminal, the eps-files look great, but the lines appear when I'm converting to pdf. The conversion it either done directly after plotting or when converting the latex-document from dvi to pdf. As most of the documents are here on the display nowadays,

LaTex Error:Unknown graphics extension:.eps (la...

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-15 13:52:02
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> latex 中可以使用.eps的图片,许多文档都介绍了怎么引用这种格式的图片,但没有给出使用过程中的注意事项。我在使用MIKTEX的时候,latex文档中引 入.eps图片遇到了这样的问题。编译的时候显示:“!LaTex Error:Unknown graphics extension:.eps”,并且即使编译得到了.pdf文件,但是其中所引用的.eps图片却显示不出来。经过仔细研究发现主要是编译的步骤和使用 的命令引起的。一个简单的例子如下: %filename=eps.tex \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{graphics} \begin{document} \begin{figure} \begin{center} \incl?graphics{fig.eps} \end{center} \caption{My first figure.} \end{figure} \end{document} 1>我的解决方案 MIKTEX: a)使用XeLaTex+MakeIndex+BibTex就可以 b)使用pdfLaTex+MakeIndex+BibTex就会出现上面的错误 因此如果遇到这类问题,可以改变一下编译的步骤或者是使用的命令 2

Conversion of EPS to PDF or Tiff does not maintain transparency

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-12 02:26:43
问题 I am trying to convert eps file to pdf file or tiff file using ghostscript but having issues keeping it transparent. When I convert it to png, transparency is maintained but I need to have pdf or tiff for printing purpose. To convert it to PDF, I am using below Arguments: For PDF -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dEPSCrop -sOutputFile=C:\temp\test.pdf C:\temp\test.eps; For Tiff -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=tiff32nc -r300 -dEPSCrop -sOutputFile=C:\temp\test.tiff C:\temp\test.eps; is there

How can I import .eps in Mathematica without losing the text?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-12 01:58:18
问题 I am trying to import a histogram produced by Stata as an .eps file into Mathematica , but it does not display axes' labels. That is, for some reason, Mathematica does not import .eps as but rather transforms it. How can I avoid that? As of now, I am using plain Import["~/hst.eps"] 回答1: I had a similar problem with LateX and a pdf graph recently, which also manifested itself with the eps version. I wound up modifying the user-written graphexportpdf and things seemed to work out. Perhaps you

Can I turn SVG and external CSS into EPS?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-11 13:31:04
问题 I have several thousand d3 charts and my client wants to print them for a report. The client needs them in EPS. I have bought Illustrator to convert them but when I open the SVG file the formatting has disappeared. This holds even when I put the CSS into the html page itself and not externally. Is there any way I can turn CSS + SVG into an EPS? 回答1: I just tried this approach in my illustrator and it does honor the CSS declarations inside the <svg /> element. <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org