
Error using Arial in .eps figure with extrafont package

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-01-02 08:32:08
问题 I'm using ggplot2 in R to generate figures for a publication in which all figures need to be .eps format and all fonts needs to be Arial. I've been following this guide to doing this using the extrafont package. As I understand it, the line loadfonts(device = "postscript") should register all of the fonts I imported (which includes Arial) with the postscript device. But when I run my code and try to save my figure using this code: ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x=xvar, y=yvar)) + theme_minimal

How to better rasterize a plot without blurring the labels in matplotlib?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-01-01 10:16:26
问题 I usually use ax.set_rasterized(True) to rasterize the figure so that it could handle transparency when saved as in eps format, but the rasterization also blurs the axis labels and ticklabels, so is there a way to rasterize only patches within the axis rather than the whole figure? or is there a better around for exporting eps format with transparency? Thanks. 回答1: As matplotlib Artists can be rasterized, any class derived from Artist (http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/api/artist_api.html)

How to covert svg to eps in ghostscript

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-01-01 09:18:16
问题 Can you please help me with a command to convert svg file to eps in ghostscript? I tried to open the svg file in Gimp but it is very big so it looks like gimp cannot open it or it take too long. I have two files which I want to convert. Note: I have done a conversion from png to svg to convert raster to vectors and the convertion take most of my system disk space (almost 2GB). There for is it possible to use external cache drive for the command? 回答1: You'll need the 'sister' application to

exporting figure to eps file

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-25 08:57:29
问题 I am trying to export a figure which includes highlighting of regions - something like this: Highlight parts of matlab plot. Unfortunately, when I export the figures to .eps files the size is of the order of ~10 MB... Thus, when I include them in a tex file, the quality is severely degraded. As expected this problem seems to occur due to the use of the area function for the highlighting. Is there any workaround on this? 回答1: You have transparency in your plot which requires the renderer to be

Can´t save matplotlib figure to .eps in Windows while using text.usetex : True

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-24 17:27:47
问题 When I run the following code: http://dpaste.com/0210P09 everything works fine on my Linux distro. However, in Windows7 (64bit) I cannot successfully save it in eps or svg . This is the error that I get: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<ipython-input-1-b8da411d11b0>", line 1, in <module> runfile('C:/Users/12151056/Documents/Python Scripts/MyPython/1Tplot_2.py', wdir='C:/Users/12151056/Documents/Python Scripts/MyPython') File "C:\Users\12151056\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib

How do I stop an .EPS file from breaking text into multiple lines in PostScript?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-24 07:58:04
问题 I'm trying to specifically change out text from an .EPS file that's generated by an Adobe product, like Illustrator or InDesign. For whatever reason some fonts are broken onto separate lines and moved a tiny bit. It's not a TrueType versus OpenType thing. Here's an example, the text is "$$tag1$$": %ADOEndSubsetFont /ZDCMCB+NiagaraSolid-Reg /NiagaraSolid-Reg findfont ct_VMDictPut /ZDCMCB+NiagaraSolid-Reg*1 [36{/.notdef}rp /dollar 12{/.notdef}rp /one 47{/.notdef}rp /a 5{/.notdef}rp /g 12{/


烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-24 07:41:23
DBSCAN——一种基于密度的聚类算法 (Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) 可以在带有“噪音”的空间数据库中发现任意形状的聚类。 基于密度的聚类寻找被低密度区域分离的高密度区域。DBSCAN是一种简单的、有效的基于密度的聚类算法。 核心点(core point) :这些点在基于密度的簇内部,点的邻域由距离函数和用户指定的距离参数 Eps 决定。核心点的定义:如果该点的给定邻域内的点的个数超过给定的阈值 Minpts,其中 Minpts 也是一个用户指定的参数。 Eps是给定的半径内的点数,Minpts是基于密度的簇内部点的数量阈值。 边界点(border point) :不是核心点,但它落在某个核心点的邻域内。 噪声点(noise point) :噪声点既不是核心点也不是边界点。 DBSCAN 围绕 核心点、边界点、噪声点三个实体 将所有的点标记成核心点、边界点、噪声点, 删除噪声点 为距离在 Eps 之内的所有核心点之间赋予一条边 每组连通的核心点形成一个簇。 将每个边界点指派到一个与之关联的核心点的簇中 (与下面实例结合理解) DBSCAN的复杂度 : DBSCAN 的基本时间复杂度是 O( m * 找出 Eps 邻域中的点所需要的时间 ),m 是点的个数。最坏情况下,时间复杂度是O(m 2

gnuplot: making axes numbers smaller in epslatex makes my axes label disappear offscreen

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-24 03:07:50
问题 I'm writing a script to generate three plots in a column (using multiplot and setting margins). They all share an x-axis, so it's only necessary to label that on the bottom plot, but they have separate y-axes. I'm using the epslatex terminal in gnuplot to generate the plots with latex labels and axes. Basically, I need the numbers on the axis to use a smaller font size than the actual axis labels. So far, I've been doing this using, reset set term epslatex standalone color solid 10 set output

When saving turtle graphics to an .eps file, the background color shows on the screen but is not saved in the .eps file

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-23 10:39:04
问题 I am new to Python and have been working with the turtle module as a way of learning the language. Thanks to stackoverflow, I researched and learned how to copy the image into an encapsulated postscript file and it works great. There is one problem, however. The turtle module allows background color which shows on the screen but does not show in the .eps file. All other colors, i.e. pen color and turtle color, make it through but not the background color. As a matter of interest, I do not

Reduce size of plots in EPS format

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-23 10:19:22
问题 I have a histogram with several hundred items, for which I do a Q-Q plot. This results in EPS that is 2.5 megabytes large. This is too much for a figure that is only going to be included in a publication and is not going to be viewed at 100x magnification. Is there any option in R to somehow output smaller EPS? I have searched docs to no avail. Or is my best option to, say, rasterize it afterwards at 300 dpi? If that's the case, any recommendations for the tool for this job? The R code for