
Annual Self-Classification Report

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-03 12:06:03
问题 Our iOS app only makes calls over https and nothing else, so we have to submit our self classification report. We filled out every field, but we don't know if the ECCN is 5D002 or 5D992 or 5D992.c or....? Can anyone tell us??? We have read a lot of documents but we can not figure it out. 回答1: Although I'm not sure this question belongs on Stack Overflow, you more than likely need to enter 5D992 in the ECCN column. You cannot include the .c in this column, per this guidance. If you are 5D002

Annual Self-Classification Report

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-03 02:32:39
Our iOS app only makes calls over https and nothing else, so we have to submit our self classification report. We filled out every field, but we don't know if the ECCN is 5D002 or 5D992 or 5D992.c or....? Can anyone tell us??? We have read a lot of documents but we can not figure it out. Although I'm not sure this question belongs on Stack Overflow, you more than likely need to enter 5D992 in the ECCN column. You cannot include the .c in this column, per this guidance . If you are 5D002 and you meet the mass market criteria (distribued solely on the App Store), then enter 5D992 . (I am not a