
Cannot list Entity Framework Migrations in Visual Studio 2019 due to dotnet ef dbcontext --json failure

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-04-15 21:55:48
问题 I have an ASP.NET Core 3.0 project that uses .NET Core 3.0. I have recently upgraded VS 2019 to version 16.4.1. I use Web Publish from Visual Studio to deploy the application on various environments, but this failed after the upgrade due to EF migrations (trying to find the db contexts failed): dotnet ef dbcontext --json failure Run "dotnet tool restore" to make the "dotnet-ef" command available. I tried to understand what is wrong. dotnet tool restore Cannot find a manifest file. For a list

Update .NET Core Tools

荒凉一梦 提交于 2020-01-15 09:49:26
问题 I'm trying to use EntityFrameworkCore@3.1. In order to do this at this point I already have: - Installed Visual Studio 2019 Preview - Installed the .NET Core 3.1 Runtime - Installed the .NET Core 3.1 SDK Now I still can't run the command dotnet ef migrations add xxx . It's saying that I have to update the dotnet tools. So I run the following command in an administrator powershell: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef Tool 'dotnet-ef' was reinstalled with the latest