
share windows folder (other than c/Users/) with docker container (using docker windows client)

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-11-29 11:14:45
Using docker client, is there a way to share a folder in windows with a docker container without having to first share the folder via the Virtual Box VM. Have understood the need of having a double slash from this and this Ran the following command from the docker client for windows docker run -it -v //F/devfolder:/development/windev <imagename> <cmdname> but when did a ls on /development/windev , it turned out it was empty. I did not have any problem when I tried mounting the c/Users/username folder via the following command docker run -it -v //c/Users/username/desktop:/development/windev

How to reach docker containers by name instead of IP address?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-11-29 10:39:35
问题 Is there a way I can reach my docker containers using names instead of ip addresses? I've heard of pipework and I've seen some dns and hostname type options for docker, but I still am unable to piece everything together. Thank you for your time. I'm not sure if this is helpful, but this is what I've done so far: installed docker container host using docker-machine and the vmwarevsphere driver started up all the services with docker-compose I can reach all of the services from any other


∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-11-29 10:11:23
Docker的诞生 我们总是会遇到测试对开发说项目又不work了,开发总说:在我电脑上是ok的阿。 项目组加了新人,我们就需要教新人配置各种开发环境,每换一台机器就要配置一次,每来一个新人就要配置一次。 于是我们想,有什么办法可以在安装软件的时候把环境也安装过来?一摸一样复制过来就没这么多问题了。 于是,我们开始用虚拟机,它自己一套系统,然后你在里面配置好环境,复制给队友就好了。根本上虚拟机也是一个文件。 但是有个缺点就是太大了!启动太慢!一些系统的操作完全是多余的。 于是就开始用linux容器。Linux 容器不是模拟一个完整的操作系统,而是对进程进行隔离。容器里面的应用,直接就是底层系统的一个进程,操作系统使用宿主的操作系统。 Docker 就是 Linux 容器的一种封装。 Docker 做什么 web应用的自动化打包测试 微服务 提供开发环境 安装docker应用 mac 安装地址 通过dmg安装,打开这个应用就可以了。 通过 docker -v 来测试有没有安装成功。 第一个docker应用 docker的强大之处,一句开启一个nginx服务。 docker run -d -p 80:80 --name webserver nginx 然后打开

Troubles using docker-machine to setup Swarm

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-11-29 05:12:52
I have a problem with deploying local virtualbox based swarm - I have followed the instructions in the official docker documentation regarding setting up master/worker nodes using the docker-machine tool. I have created the token on dockerhub and used --swarm (and --swarm-master) with --swarm-discovery token://XXXX ... so far so good, two machines running, seemingly registered as the Swarm master and worker: spaceback@brutus:~$ docker-machine ls NAME ACTIVE DRIVER STATE URL SWARM DOCKER ERRORS swarm-master * (swarm) virtualbox Running tcp:// swarm-master (master) v1.12.0

Docker machine

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-11-29 05:01:08
概述 什么是docker-machine,简单来说就是给你快速创建一个docker容器环境的,怎么说呢,如果你要给100台阿里云ECS安装上docker,传统方式就是你一台一台ssh上去安装,但是有了docker-machine就不一样了,你可以快速给100台ecs安装上docker,怎么快速法呢,你看完这文章就知道了。还有就是你要在本地快读创建docker集群环境,我总不能一台一台创建虚拟机吧,所以docker-machine可以解决这个问题。总之docker-machine就是帮助你快速去创建安装docker环境的工具,这样说应该没什么问题吧 来源:

Connect to docker-machine using 'localhost'

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-11-29 02:45:54
问题 There are certain features, like JavaScript service workers without https, that only work on localhost, but when I run my app inside a docker container, using docker-compose, which runs on top of docker-machine, I need to connect to it using the address I get from docker-machine ip default Is there a way to map localhost to that ip? 回答1: You can add a VirtualBox port forward to map a port on the docker host to your local machine. Assuming your docker machine is called "default" and you want

Docker Machine的使用

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-11-29 02:19:06
  前面两篇文章( 《Asp.Net Core 发布到 Docker(Linux Centos 虚拟机,使用Dockerfile)》 《Docker Compose的使用》 ),简单介绍了Dockerfile和Compose的使用,主要是基于教学使用(或者快速上手Docker)。如果想要深入理解还是需要去看 Docker官网 。接下来介绍时,我会尽量详细一些。 目录:   一、Virtualbox网络设置   二、Docker Machine 简介和安装   三、Docker Machine Driver 的选择   四、创建 Machine   五、总结 一、虚拟机Virtualbox网络设置 2.1 配置   软件配置:Windows 10(主机)+ Virtualbox(虚拟机)+ Centos 7 系统(虚拟机系统) + Docker   虚拟机数量:2(使用相同的Virtualbox网络配置) 2.2 Virtualbox的网络连接方式   参考:   关键点:    2.3 选择网络连接方式   目标: 主机和虚拟机互通 虚拟机之间互通

Move boot2docker and .docker folder in other drive

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-11-29 02:14:42
问题 I'm new in docker. I have installed docker in windows in the D drive but the Boot2docker VM is in the user folder in the C drive. I dont have enough space in the C and the boot2docker is growing when i pull softwares from the docker hub. So I want to move the boot2docker or the .docker folder in the D drive. Is it possible ? and how can i do ? 回答1: Moving existing disk The big size for the VM machine is .vmdk or .vdi , so you just need to move the disk to Drive D instead of moving whole

Docker Machine

我的梦境 提交于 2019-11-29 00:30:02
什么是 Docker Machine: Docker Machine 是 Docker 官方编排(Orchestration)项目之一,负责在多种平台上快速安装 Docker 环境。 Docker Machine 安装 Docker Machine 可以在多种操作系统平台上安装,包括 Linux、macOS,以及 Windows。 macOS、Windows Docker for Mac、Docker for Windows 自带 docker-machine 二进制包,安装之后即可使用。 查看版本信息。 docker-machine -v docker-machine version 0.13.0, build 9ba6da9 Linux 在 Linux 上的也安装十分简单,从 官方 GitHub Release 处直接下载编译好的二进制文件即可。 例如,在 Linux 64 位系统上直接下载对应的二进制包。 sudo curl -L`uname -s - uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-machine sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-machine

Docker-machine error “Could not find matching IP for MAC address” on Windows 10

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-11-28 23:08:02
I got strange problem with docker-machine on windows 10. And I still cannot find solution. It used to work before, but after some update of Windows 10 I began to get error "Could not find matching IP for MAC address ...". This error appears on any action with docker-machine. For example, with docker-machine ls: I tried to reinstall dockertools with virtual box (with different network drivers). Tried to install latest version of virtual box. Remove and recreate docker virtual machine. Remove all vitrualbox host-only networks. It all doesn't help. Here is what I get with docker-machine -D create