
How to use “Docker Quickstart Terminal” to start another docker-machine?

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-11-30 20:08:00
On my mac, when I start docker by running "Docker quickstart terminal", it will start the default docker machine. I see in the of the docker quickstart terminal is: #!/bin/bash VM=default DOCKER_MACHINE=/usr/local/bin/docker-machine VBOXMANAGE=/Applications/ BLUE='\033[0;34m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' ... more How can I start another docker machine without modifying this shell file? You simply can create a new docker machin e: docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 2048 --virtualbox-disk-size 204800 my_new_machine (replace

docker-machine 安装与配置

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-11-30 13:15:43
文章目录 docker-machine 安装与配置 一、介绍 二、安装 三、使用 1、使用VirtualBox驱动创建machine 2、安装 VBoxManage 3、重新加载 VirtualBox 服务 4、重新创建machine 5、使用通用驱动创建machine 6、查看machine列表 7、查看并加载machine的环境变量 8、登录machine 9、镜像与容器同步 docker-machine 安装与配置 一、介绍 ​ docker-machine ,简单来说就是给你快速创建一个docker容器环境的,怎么说呢,如果你要给100台阿里云ECS安装上docker,传统方式就是你一台一台ssh上去安装,但是有了docker-machine就不一样了,你可以快速给100台ecs安装上docker,怎么快速法呢,你看完这文章就知道了。还有就是你要在本地快速创建docker集群环境,我总不能一台一台创建虚拟机吧,所以docker-machine可以解决这个问题。总之docker-machine就是帮助你快速去创建安装docker环境的工具。 二、安装 docker-machine 需要使用 root 用户安装,以 CentOS7 为例,安装指令如下: [ root@cnkanon ~ ] # su - root # 从github上下载docker

dockerd vs docker-containerd vs docker-runc vs docker-containerd-ctr vs docker-containerd-shim

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-11-30 10:27:16
问题 This stuff is really getting confused now. Can someone please explain what's going on. Just the straight one liner difference. dockerd libcontainerd containerd docker-containerd docker-runc docker-containerd-ctr docker-containerd-shim thanks 回答1: dockerd - The Docker daemon itself. The highest level component in your list and also the only 'Docker' product listed. Provides all the nice UX features of Docker. (docker-)containerd - Also a daemon, listening on a Unix socket, exposes gRPC

How to reach docker containers by name instead of IP address?

为君一笑 提交于 2019-11-30 08:07:25
Is there a way I can reach my docker containers using names instead of ip addresses? I've heard of pipework and I've seen some dns and hostname type options for docker, but I still am unable to piece everything together. Thank you for your time. I'm not sure if this is helpful, but this is what I've done so far: installed docker container host using docker-machine and the vmwarevsphere driver started up all the services with docker-compose I can reach all of the services from any other machine on the network using IP and port I've added a DNS alias entry to my private network DNS server and it

Move boot2docker and .docker folder in other drive

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-30 04:47:22
I'm new in docker. I have installed docker in windows in the D drive but the Boot2docker VM is in the user folder in the C drive. I dont have enough space in the C and the boot2docker is growing when i pull softwares from the docker hub. So I want to move the boot2docker or the .docker folder in the D drive. Is it possible ? and how can i do ? Larry Cai Moving existing disk The big size for the VM machine is .vmdk or .vdi , so you just need to move the disk to Drive D instead of moving whole .docker directory. What you can do in simple way in Oracle VirtualBox Manager GUI: Stop the boot2docker

Docker Django 404 for web static files, but fine for admin static files

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-11-30 04:02:15
问题 please help me on this docker django configuration for serving static files. my Django project running on Docker got some issues with delivering static files . All static files for admin view is loading fine, but static files for client web view is throwing 404 Not found Error. This is my docker.yml configuration details: web: build: ./web expose: - "8000" links: - postgres:postgres volumes: - ./web:/usr/src/app ports: - "8000:8000" env_file: .env command: python runserver

How to ssh into docker-machine VirtualBox instance?

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-11-29 18:51:09
docker-machine version 0.2.0 docker version 1.6.2 I'm using docker-machine to create a machine using VirtualBox . Everything works fine but I'd like to ssh into the machine itself and I find no instructions on how to do this. I can connect to the ssh port: ssh $(docker-machine ip dev) But I've no idea what username / password / identity file to use. Adrian Mouat You can log into docker-machine hosts by just running docker-machine ssh default (Using the "default" host here) The identity files should be stored under ~/.docker/machine/machines . If you want to log into a container (as opposed to

Docker Machine on Mac: Cannot see mounted Volumes on docker host/docker-machine? Where are volumes physically stored?

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-11-29 13:39:56
问题 Am on a Macbook Pro laptop and running docker-machine (0.5.0) and docker-compose (1.5.0) to get my containers going. This means I'm using docker-machine to create my virtualbox boot2docker driven HOST machines, which will run my docker daemon and host all my containers. I think I'm missing something critical with the concept of HOSTS and VOLUME, as they refer to Docker and the documentation. This is my docker-compose.yml file (web simply builds the php:5.6-apache image): web: restart: "always

Permission denied when mounting Docker volume in OSX

谁都会走 提交于 2019-11-29 13:36:19
I'm at my wit's end with this, so hopefully you folks can help me. In OSX 10.11.2 with docker-machine, I've got a docker-compose file that should build a local Dockerfile and attach a MySQL container to it. The MySQL container should mount a local folder where I'm storing my database data, so if the container or VM comes down, I can just restart it without data loss. Problem is, when I run it, it throws a permissions error: db_1 | 2015-12-23 19:17:59 7facaa89b740 InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation. db_1 | InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights

Docker - OS X forward localhost 22 port to container 2022 port

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-11-29 12:20:29
I'm using Docker on my Mac OSX. I have a container with an open ssh daemon, listening to port 22 . The virtual machine is set to forward all traffic of port 2022 of the machine to this container 22 port. I want to set my localhost to forward all 2022 traffic to the machine 2022 port. My machine runs at I already forwarded all the HTTP traffic at localhost port 8080 to the machine using Apache virtual host configuration and Proxy. What is the right way to do the same for ssh? I think it involve SSH Tunnelling as mentioned here but I don't understand how I can set that my