
How can I use a local file on container?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-11-28 18:40:15
I'm trying create a container to run a program. I'm using a pre configurate image and now I need run the program. However, it's a machine learning program and I need a dataset from my computer to run. The file is too large to be copied to the container. It would be best if the program running in the container searched the dataset in a local directory of my computer, but I don't know how I can do this. Is there any way to do this reference with some docker command? Or using Dockerfile? Yes, you can do this. What you are describing is a bind mount. See

Docker - Error response from daemon: client is newer than server

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-11-28 18:39:45
After creating a new machine with Docker Machine, I'm getting the following error: $ docker ps Error response from daemon: client is newer than server(client API version 1.21, server API version: 1.19) How can I fix this? docker-machine upgrade <your-machine> will do the trick. This can happen - as it did for me - even if you're not using RCs and your machine was newly created. It would be due to an ISO cache issue. The error is commented in this thread . If the docker client is 1.9.x and the server is running docker 1.8.x, the error message is observed. If someone happens to get this error,

How does Docker Swarm implement volume sharing?

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-11-28 15:46:38
Docker Swarm can manage two types of storage: volume and bind. While bind is not suggested by Docker Documentation since it create a binding between a local directory (on each swarm Node) to a task, volume method implementation is not mentioned, so I don't understand how volumes are shared between tasks. How Docker Swarm shares volumes between nodes? Where are volumes saved (on a manager? and if there are more than one manages?)? There is no problem between nodes if it runnings on different machines in different net? Does it create a VPN? What you're asking about is a common question. Volume

Integrate two docker apps - Docker compose and Docker run

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-11-28 14:49:02
I am trying to integrate two apps. Currently I have a docker-compose file with two services and another docker - run command to start another service. Based on my configuration below, I expect OHIF Viewer running at port 3030 and Orthanc running at 8042 to be interconnected. I mean if I upload an image in Orthanc, I should be able to see them in OHIF viewer. Currently I am able to view both Orthanc and OHIF viewer in their respective ports but I don't see any interaction between them. ex: I don't see my image (uploaded in Orthanc) in OHIF Viewer. I thought the dockersupport-app.json file is

Change Docker machine location - Windows

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-11-28 13:57:26
问题 I am using docker toolbox on Windows 7 to run docker. (docker version 1.9.1) As it turns out the docker machine creates its VM at C:\Users\username\.docker\machine\machines\default. And as I commit the images the size of VM at this location bloats up. Since its Windows, cant afford the luxury of space on the C drive. Is there any way I can change the location of the default machine? 回答1: This is what worked perfectly for me on Windows 7: Setup the MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH environment variable as

How to ssh into docker-machine VirtualBox instance?

心已入冬 提交于 2019-11-28 13:52:27
问题 docker-machine version 0.2.0 docker version 1.6.2 I'm using docker-machine to create a machine using VirtualBox. Everything works fine but I'd like to ssh into the machine itself and I find no instructions on how to do this. I can connect to the ssh port: ssh $(docker-machine ip dev) But I've no idea what username / password / identity file to use. 回答1: You can log into docker-machine hosts by just running docker-machine ssh default (Using the "default" host here) The identity files should be

Does docker-machine can only mount /c/Users on windows? [closed]

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-11-28 13:14:50
But I want to mount /d because I like to put my projects on /d. docker-machine uses a boot2docker.iso VM image, based on TinyCore The original boot2docker project mentioned that you can mount other folders with, at runtime: mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=50 your-other-share-name /some/mount/location Issue 1814 of docker-machine suggests that, and it seems to work. 来源:

nodejs app doesn't connect to localhost when running within a docker container

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-11-28 13:12:51
My environment: Ubunut 17.04 LTS npm --version: 5.6.0 nodejs --version: 4.7.2 angular cli version: 1.6.4 docker-compose file: version: '3' services: my-app: build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile restart: unless-stopped volumes: - .:/usr/src/app ports: - "4200:4200" I commented out the EXPOSE 4200 in dockerfile because I'm already mounting it from docker-compose.yml file, is that NOT ok, should I expose in dockerfile and mount in docker-compose? Running npm start on command line launches the app successfully on the browser as I'm able to go to localhost:4200 and see the app running. However,

Permission denied when mounting Docker volume in OSX

可紊 提交于 2019-11-28 07:27:10
问题 I'm at my wit's end with this, so hopefully you folks can help me. In OSX 10.11.2 with docker-machine, I've got a docker-compose file that should build a local Dockerfile and attach a MySQL container to it. The MySQL container should mount a local folder where I'm storing my database data, so if the container or VM comes down, I can just restart it without data loss. Problem is, when I run it, it throws a permissions error: db_1 | 2015-12-23 19:17:59 7facaa89b740 InnoDB: Operating system

Docker - OS X forward localhost 22 port to container 2022 port

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-11-28 06:09:43
问题 I'm using Docker on my Mac OSX. I have a container with an open ssh daemon, listening to port 22 . The virtual machine is set to forward all traffic of port 2022 of the machine to this container 22 port. I want to set my localhost to forward all 2022 traffic to the machine 2022 port. My machine runs at I already forwarded all the HTTP traffic at localhost port 8080 to the machine using Apache virtual host configuration and Proxy. What is the right way to do the same for ssh? I