I'm using Docker on my Mac OSX.
I have a container with an open ssh
daemon, listening to port 22
The virtual machine is set to forward all traffic of port 2022
of the machine to this container 22
I want to set my localhost to forward all 2022
traffic to the machine 2022
My machine runs at
I already forwarded all the HTTP traffic at localhost port 8080 to the machine using Apache virtual host configuration and Proxy.
What is the right way to do the same for ssh?
I think it involve SSH Tunnelling as mentioned here but I don't understand how I can set that my localhost will always forward ssh connections from localhost:2022
p.s. I know docker container should not have SSH installed, but I need it for testing proposes.
now I want to connect between my localhost:2022 to the machine:2022
Then you need your boot2docker VM (created by docker-machine) to port-forward the port 2022 to your MacOS host.
See "docker nginx container not receiving request from outside, connection refused" as an example.
VBoxManage controlvm "default" natpf1 "tcp-port2022,tcp,,2022,,2022"
VBoxManage controlvm "default" natpf1 "udp-port2022,udp,,2022,,2022"
Note: this is not releated to ssh specifically, it is only related to the fact that you are using a VM as a Linux host, and you have mapped something to its port 2022.
That port will be visible from your actual MacOS localhost only if you port-forward it.