
Application to generate installers for Linux, Windows and MacOSX from a single configuration

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-04 16:25:54
Here's what I want: Given a set of definitions (preferably in Python) on what files to install where and what post-install script to run, etc.. I would like this program to generate installers for the three major platforms: MSI on Windows dmg on MacOSX Tarball w/ (and rpm/deb, if possible) on Linux For example, name = 'Foo' version = '1.0' components = { 'core': {'recursive-include': 'image/' 'target_dir': '$APPDIR'} 'plugins': {'recursive-include': 'contrib/plugins', 'target_dir': '$APPDIR/plugins'} } def post_install(): ... And I want this program to generate Foo

Install dmg package on MAC OS from Terminal

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-04 11:23:12
问题 I would like to install the dmg java package in my MAC OS through the terminal I tried using this command: sudo installer -package jdk-7u51-macos-x64.dmg -target / But I receive this error: installer: Error the package path specified was invalid: 'jdk-7u51-macos-x64.dmg' 回答1: Try this: MOUNTDIR=$(echo `hdiutil mount jdk-7u51-macos-x64.dmg | tail -1 \ | awk '{$1=$2=""; print $0}'` | xargs -0 echo) \ && sudo installer -pkg "${MOUNTDIR}/"*.pkg -target / 回答2: Let dmgFilePath be the variable

Add background image/color to DMG using hdiutil or other tool? [duplicate]

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-04 06:10:17
This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: How do I create a nice-looking DMG for Mac OS X using command-line tools? It seems like using Finder UX or some sort of UI tool ( Create drag-drop graphic when installing OS X application from dmg ) the only way to customize how a DMG looks when opened up. That doesn't scale too well and isn't automatable enough. Anyone know of way to achieve the same thing but using tools such as hdiutil on Mac or mkfs.hfsplus on Linux? The OS X Finder stores data about the window size, type, position, background image and icon

How to download xcode dmg file? [closed]

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-03 16:22:53
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 6 years ago . I have an app which is working fine but recently I tried it on an iOS 6 device and it doesn't work and it seems it's because of my old xcode version (4.2). I tried to download xcode 4.6 dmg file from apple developer section. I have downloaded it twice but the weird thing is after it completes the download the

Install dmg package on MAC OS from Terminal

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-03 06:45:27
I would like to install the dmg java package in my MAC OS through the terminal I tried using this command: sudo installer -package jdk-7u51-macos-x64.dmg -target / But I receive this error: installer: Error the package path specified was invalid: 'jdk-7u51-macos-x64.dmg' Try this: MOUNTDIR=$(echo `hdiutil mount jdk-7u51-macos-x64.dmg | tail -1 \ | awk '{$1=$2=""; print $0}'` | xargs -0 echo) \ && sudo installer -pkg "${MOUNTDIR}/"*.pkg -target / Let dmgFilePath be the variable containing the path of your dmg file. Then you can try this : $ MOUNTDEV=$(hdiutil mount $dmgFilePath | awk '/dev.disk

How to download xcode dmg file? [closed]

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-03 05:41:00
I have an app which is working fine but recently I tried it on an iOS 6 device and it doesn't work and it seems it's because of my old xcode version (4.2). I tried to download xcode 4.6 dmg file from apple developer section. I have downloaded it twice but the weird thing is after it completes the download the xcode dmg file which is 1.4GBs on size changes to a login.html which is only 8kbs in size! anyone had any experience with these kinds of files? My internet connection isn't so speedy and this is tough for me to download these files over and over again. Manish Agrawal you can download from

巅峰极客 2019部分题解

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-02 06:02:36
巅峰极客 2019部分题解 Misc MBP是最好的! 1,下载附件得到一个压缩包,压缩包中包含了一个ctf.dmg文件。 2,使用UltraISO打开该dmg文件,在.Trashes/501文件夹下面得到flag.zip文件,但是发现此文件已损坏,如图: 3,这题misc考察是取证相关知识,我们首先使用UltraISO将dmg文件转换为iso文件,然后使用R-STUDIO进行文件恢复,再次打开.Trashes/501文件夹下面得到flag.zip文件即可发现该文件经过加密了,然后使用ziperelo进行暴力破解即可。 4,成功拿到flag 来源:


删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-01 22:16:01
MAC 安装 JDK: 这篇文章主要为在MAC苹果系统下安装JDK1.8并配置系统环境变量。 主要分为以下步骤: 到Oracle官网下载JDK1.8安装包。 打开获取到的安装包按步骤安装到系统上。 配置系统的环境变量。 验证JDK1.8是否安装成功。 到Oracle官网下载JDK1.8安装包 jdk官网下载 或者去 百度云网盘 百度网盘提取码:c62d 打开获取到的安装包按步骤安装到系统上 下载完成后,我们得到一个dmg的安装包,如下图所示,名称为jdk-8u211-macosx-x64.dmg,表示这是java8版本号为211的JDK安装包。 双击dmg安装包,打开如下图所示窗口。 点击JDK 8 Update 211.pkg,后面就是傻瓜式的安装了,一直按照系统提示安装好了~ 配置系统的环境变量 上一步骤,实标上,我们只是把JDK1.8的文件复制到操作系统上。但是我们如果要在terminal终端上使JAVA命令,还有让其实应用知道JDK1.8环境的存在,那我们还需要配置系统的环境变量。 首先我们得知道JDK目录安装在哪里,按照下面的路径我们可以找到JDK的主目录,如下图所示。 /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines jdk的真实主目录如下: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_211.jdk


ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-01 13:44:19
来自: 新版开发环境在Windows XP下VMWare虚拟机中安装开发环境过程贴出来,让大家分享。   本文在Windows Xp + VMware Workstation 7.0 + MAC OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 环境下安装iPhone SDK 3.1.2成功!   ————————————–   在PC机上安装MAC OS X系统有两种方法:   方法一:在硬盘上分区,专门安装MAC OS X;   方法二:在现有Windows系统中,使用VMWare等虚拟机软件安装Mac OS。   注意:一般都需要将苹果系统的DMG光盘镜像文件刻录到D9光盘上,这个步骤比较麻烦。   本文介绍一下在Windows XP中使用VMWare虚拟机,安装MAC OS X时,无需刻录D9光盘,无需转换成ISO格式,   直接使用MAC OS X和iPhone SDK的DMG镜像文件进行安装的方法。   ————————————–   安装条件:   硬件:一台拥有支持虚拟技术的64位双核处理器和2GB以上内存的PC。   本人采用笔记本:DELL D630 4G内存   注意:运行MAC OS,需要电脑支持虚拟技术(VT),安装时,需要将VT启动,在BIOS中开启。   软件:  

Mac 将 App 程序打包成为 dmg

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-01 09:47:18
用最简单的打包方式,将自己开发的 App 打包成为 DMG ,实现共享分发,快速安装 1. 新建DMG 打开磁盘工具,新建DMG File->New Image->Blank Image 创建DMG 2. 添加文件 在磁盘工上右键打开 右键->Show in Finder 创建快捷键 ln -s /Applications Applications 完成文件添加 3. 排版,添加背景 修改排版 右键->Show View Options 自定义背景 4. 压缩DMG 推出DMG 转换DMG 压缩DMG 压缩后的文件明显小于原文件,也不可再进行编辑 5. 完成打包 至此,完成了App打包DMG,可以进行共享发布了 联系方式: 邮箱: 网站: 源文:将-App-程序打包成为-dmg.html 来源: