
Create Mono Installer Package (OSX)

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-11 21:23:50
问题 I have a C# Winforms application which I developed in Mono on OSX. I would like to create an installer package which will install my application on any OSX computer. How do I create an installer package ? Thanks 回答1: This blog entry explains how to package a GTK# app. If you're not using Gtk, you can still possibly reuse many of the know-how of that post. 来源:


佐手、 提交于 2019-12-11 12:16:38
资料 Mac安装系统提示macOS Mojave应用程序副本已损坏,不能用来安装macOS date 102723252015.06 date 1025102018.20 2015年10月27日 星期二 23时25分06秒 PDT 2018年10月25日 星期二 10时20分20秒 PDT 自己制作的 macOS Mojave 10.14.6 iso 文件,亲测可用(附 VMware15 安装 macOS Catalina 图文教程与 macO Catalina.iso 镜像下载地址) 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。 本文链接: 终端执行命令: hdiutil create - o ~ / Desktop / Mojave . cdr - size 6 g - layout SPUD - fs HFS + J 解释: 创建一个大小为6G的dmg文件,后面的参数为格式参数,不太清楚,最后一个是文件系统格式(可以不用理会) hdiutil attach ~ / Desktop / Mojave . cdr . dmg - noverify - mountpoint / Volumes /

How to create installer for mac osx

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-11 06:01:22
问题 I am making an app in python, which is able to open different file types. This code in running fine on eclipse while passing filename which I want to open and configuration file as arguments respectively. Now I converted this into application by using py2app. So, the issue is how to deal with arguments, as different file types need to be open through app and this app also needs configuration file while processing. Is there any different methods available for making app which can be installed

how to add a rich text license to a dmg using a plist with javafx?

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-10 18:12:32
问题 All the JavaFX docs say is: The DMG installer also supports a click-though license provided in the text format. If use of rich text format is desired, then prepare the license.plist file externally, then add it to the package using the technique from Section 6.3.3, "Customization Using Drop-In Resources." Surprisingly, I couldn't find anywhere on the internet how to actually accomplish this. Did anyone here succeed in creating a dmg with a rich text license? I also posted my question here btw

Mac DMG oddity - signing and “damaged” applications

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-10 14:49:54
问题 My Gatekeeper settings are "App Store and Identified Developers" I have a DMG with a signed app. When I mount the DMG and run it locally, it works. when I upload the same DMG to our servers (via http), download it (via http), mount it, and try to run the app I get a popup saying my application is "damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash. I have no idea what's going on. How can the same file run correctly locally, but when uploaded and downloaded it's corrupt? The server


醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-07 15:45:28
Mac使用DMG安装Mysql 1. 使用DMG安装Mysql 1.1 下载并安装 1.2 记录安装后的root密码 1.3 设置开动启动 1.4 更改初始密码 1.4.1 配置mysql终端可访问 1.4.2 登录mysql 1.4.3 修改初始密码 1.4.4 修改ip访问权限 2. 删除Mysql 3. brew安装mysql 1. 使用DMG安装Mysql 在mac下使用DMG安装Mysql,并进行本地开发的简单配置 1.1 下载并安装 mysql下载地址: 当前安装版本: mysql-5.7.22-macos10.13-x86_64.dmg 1.2 记录安装后的root密码 安装完成后会一个提示弹窗,保存弹出窗的密码,该密码是root的自动生成密码,如:nAtg)3QBA!7_ 1.3 设置开动启动 在系统偏好设置里,找到mysql,打开即可启动,也可设置开机启动。 1.4 更改初始密码 使用localhost连接数据库,会提示密码通过,但未修改初始密码,连接不成功。需进行密码更改 1.4.1 配置mysql终端可访问 查看此目录下是否有mysql $ open /usr/local/mysql/bin 打开系统环境变量配置 $ vim ~/.bash_profile

Application to generate installers for Linux, Windows and MacOSX from a single configuration

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-06 09:49:42
问题 Here's what I want: Given a set of definitions (preferably in Python) on what files to install where and what post-install script to run, etc.. I would like this program to generate installers for the three major platforms: MSI on Windows dmg on MacOSX Tarball w/ (and rpm/deb, if possible) on Linux For example, name = 'Foo' version = '1.0' components = { 'core': {'recursive-include': 'image/' 'target_dir': '$APPDIR'} 'plugins': {'recursive-include': 'contrib

Creating an installer for my Mac application

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-06 08:49:05
问题 I have this Mac application that consists of 2 files: firstFile.tst secondFile I would like to put them in: ~/Library/Audio/MyProg/ ~/Library/Application Support/MyProg/ I would also like the installer to look like them fancy DMG installers (like Skype's). Now, I am a newbie when it comes to Mac but I am willing to learn whatever it takes. I know the dmg installers are actually drags and drops; does that mean that if my application doesn't consist of a real application (it is a plug in -

Add background image/color to DMG using hdiutil or other tool? [duplicate]

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-06 00:30:17
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: How do I create a nice-looking DMG for Mac OS X using command-line tools? It seems like using Finder UX or some sort of UI tool (Create drag-drop graphic when installing OS X application from dmg) the only way to customize how a DMG looks when opened up. That doesn't scale too well and isn't automatable enough. Anyone know of way to achieve the same thing but using tools such as hdiutil on Mac or mkfs.hfsplus on

mac安装securecrt 记录激活方法

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-05 03:57:50
安装方法请参考: 7.3.3 && 7.3.6 将 DMG 中的 移动至 “应用程序”文件夹。 正常运行程序一次,然后关闭掉。 将 DMG 中的 移动到 下载 目录 打开 终端 执行 sudo perl ~/Downloads/ /Applications/ 。等到出现了 crack successful 就可以了, 终端不要关闭 启动软件,点击 Enter License Data.. 然后直接点击 Continue ,然后点击 Enter Licence Manually 。按照终端窗口提示的注册信息注册。 来源: