
HackTheGame 攻略

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-15 06:28:02
游戏下载地址: https://www.hackerforever.com/guest.php?h=hackthegame 各关攻略汇总: http://my.oschina.net/Tsybius2014/blog/685213 第六关要完成的任务如下: TITLE : Serious request FROM : Pro2Call@fake-mail-address.com ---------------------------------------------------------- Hello Tsybius! I'm convinced that you are skilled enough to do some serious business. I heard rumours of a new Windows version, and I want the first beta build before it is released. So please, hack into the Microsoft file server and send me the following files: MS_Longhorn_build5010.rar MS_Longhorn_serial.txt MS_Longhorn_readme.doc I've done some