
HackTheGame 攻略

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-12-19 14:52:44
游戏下载地址: https://www.hackerforever.com/guest.php?h=hackthegame 各关攻略汇总: http://my.oschina.net/Tsybius2014/blog/685213 第五关要完成的任务如下: TITLE : New tool FROM : chaozz@fake-mail-address.com ---------------------------------------------------------- Hi Tsybius, If found a new tool which I think you could use too. It's a brute force password hacker. This way you can hack into a system without knowing the login password. Getting it is a bit more tricky, because it's on a secure file server. This is what I know: IP address: Loginname : god Password : admin1234 The file is called