
HackTheGame 攻略

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-05-05 13:37:34
游戏下载地址: https://www.hackerforever.com/guest.php?h=hackthegame 各关攻略汇总: http://my.oschina.net/Tsybius2014/blog/685213 第十一关是游戏的最后一关,任务如下: TITLE : I found it! FROM : MichelloZ@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------- Lately we did not spend enough time at school. But finaly our hackin' can help us, I found the IP of the PC of the principal's office: He has some ports wide open. to be able to work at home. I once saw him log in using administrator as the loginname. I couldn't see the password though, :( Since you are the best hacker of us two. you should