
How to pass dynamic data from html data-attribute to a query using javascript?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-12 02:08:34
问题 I have this button that hold data from database <button title="View Conversation" type='button' class='btn btn-default btn-sm' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#viewConversationModal' data-empproj_id="<?=$employeeproject['emproj_id'];?>" data-empprojconvoid="<?=$employeeproject['convofeed_id'];?>" **data-empprojconvotoempid**="<?=$employeeproject['toemployee_id'];?>" **data-empprojconvofromemip**="<?=$employeeproject['fromemployee_id'];?>" data-empprojconvoconversation='"<?=$employeeproject[

HTML data attribute IE6 support

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-12 01:54:15
问题 Does HTML's data attribute work in IE6? I'm using the attribute like this <img id="charm_1" data-code='sdfsdfsdfsdf' data-price='100' class='addition_image' src="img/misc/donut.png" width="55" height="55" alt="Donut"> . As you can see there are 2 data attributes (price and code). I can get this with jQuery using the .data() method and it all seems to work in IE7/8/9. Does this work in IE6? I don't have a copy of IE6 to test this. 回答1: IE6 -- and indeed all other browsers on the market -- have

How can I send some initial data to the bot before the user start chatting with my bot?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-11 14:51:57
问题 My problem is, How can I send some data on behalf of user to the bot before user start chatting. because different client will have different endpoint, I would like bot to get this endpoint first and save it as UserState, then use this endpoint for making API calls later. I'm using "" this web chat as my client side, it create the directline using the secret, is that possible i add a post activity in the html file below to send some data? Thank

Change text of all elements with specific data-attribute

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-11 11:53:57
问题 I'm currently trying to use jQuery to change the text of a number of elements to the value of a specific data-attribute. For example: index.html ---------- <h1 data-change="text2">text1</h1> <p data-change="paragraph2">paragraph1</p> I want to change 'text1' to 'text2' and 'paragraph1' to 'paragraph2' (the value of data-change for that specific element). How would I go about doing this? I assumed I would be able to 'select' all of the elements with the data-attribute 'data-change' and then

jQuery : selector targetting a dynamic attribute not working

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-11 11:03:08
问题 I'm trying to create a Fanorona game. One of my jQuery selector doesn't work as intended. After moving a blue stone by clicking it then clicking on a green space, the active player (var activePlayer) changes from "blue" to "red". $("#board").on("click", "[data-color='"+activePlayer+"']", function(){ console.log(activePlayer); console.log($(this).attr("data-color")); When the active played is "red" and I click on a red stone (data-color="red"), it does nothing.

HTML5 Tooltip via css and data- field works on link but not on image

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-11 07:56:19
问题 following the tutorial I wanted to adapt the process of creating a tooltip for images (not links). So I adjusted the "tooltip" class rules to be generic and not a tag specific. I reproduced my efforts in the js-fiddle As you can see in the fiddle it does work for links but not for images. Do you have any idea why not? Technically I think that :hover and alikes should also for for <img> and not only <a> . 回答1: Images do

Evaluate a data-attibute on a div with jQuery and pass the value into a function

可紊 提交于 2019-12-11 06:28:22
问题 I have multiple slideshow blocks with preview images (for jQuery Cycle, each slideshow instance with a different delay in milliseconds) like this: <div class="content"> <div class="slideshow preview" data-delay="-2000"> <img src="media/prevslide_3.jpg" alt="Img 1" /> <img src="media/prevslide_4.jpg" alt="Img 2" /> <img src="media/prevslide_5.jpg" alt="Img 3" /> </div> </div> I want to use jQuery to pass these varying delay values (set via data-attribute)into the function that will run all

How do you nest a map method inside a map method using jquery, json and custom data attributes

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-11 05:19:51
问题 I am building a rails application. I am using a data attribute to grab the json. <% @image_urls.each_slice(5) do |row| %> <% row.each do |_, urls| %> <li class="square-image" data-urls=<%= urls.to_json %>> <span class="user-image"><%= image_tag(urls.sample) %></span> </li> <% end %> <% end %> With this json, I'm trying to update the src attribute every second by looping through the different URLs that are in the json. The timing is working. When I do the first map, I successfully grab the

Remove / (textnode) from Github Gist lists using CSS or Javascript

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-11 02:55:02
问题 I am trying to strip the username and / values from lists of gists within Github Gists, the problem being there are no classes/ids or a selector available for the / value. Here is the HTML and link to Github Gists page and JSFiddle: <div class="d-inline-block"> <span> <a data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/hovercards?user_id=167012" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="/hanachin">hanachin</a> / <a href="/hanachin

keep data-attributes in dijit widgets

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-11 01:57:06
问题 I've started using the HTML5 data- attributes in my application, but when this is applied to an element that is a dijit widget, it disappears. <button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" data-id="5">Number 5</button> Is dojo actually parsing this and keeping it somewhere? Or is it just removed completely because dojo isn't HTML5 compliant? 回答1: By applying the answer to this question, I was also able to keep the custom data- attributes on the surrounding element. 来源: