jQuery : selector targetting a dynamic attribute not working

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-11 11:03:08


I'm trying to create a Fanorona game. http://canapin.com/web/fanorona

One of my jQuery selector doesn't work as intended.

After moving a blue stone by clicking it then clicking on a green space, the active player (var activePlayer) changes from "blue" to "red".

    $("#board").on("click", "[data-color='"+activePlayer+"']", function(){

When the active played is "red" and I click on a red stone (data-color="red"), it does nothing. when I click on a blue stone, the first console.log displays "red", but the second one displays "blue", which puzzles me because my selector uses the activePlayer variable which contains "red".

Any idea ? Here is the full js code if it can help : http://pastebin.com/7UYks2Z1

Fanorona rules : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fanorona


The problem is that you're always binding on data-color=blue because the variable activePlayer is 'blue' when the script starts.

You can solve it by binding an event to both cases. Like this:

$("#board").on("click", "[data-color='red']", function(){
        activeStone["x"] = $(this).attr("data-x");
        activeStone["y"] = $(this).attr("data-y");
        checkPossibleMoves(activeStone["x"],activeStone["y"], "red");

     $("#board").on("click", "[data-color='blue']", function(){
        activeStone["x"] = $(this).attr("data-x");
        activeStone["y"] = $(this).attr("data-y");
        checkPossibleMoves(activeStone["x"],activeStone["y"], "blue");

An alternative would be binding without a data-color attribute and retrieving it in your callback.

