
OpenClover - Getting to work with AspectJ

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-01-06 14:28:55
问题 I'm trying to use Openclover with a project that uses AspectJ and that instruments aspects into its code. The pom.xml has these dependencies with relation to AspectJ: ... <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.aspectj</groupId> <artifactId>aspectjweaver</artifactId> <version>1.8.9</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.aspectj</groupId> <artifactId>aspectjrt</artifactId> <version>1.8.9</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> ... And

What are the differences between the three methods of code coverage analysis?

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-29 03:37:13
问题 This sonar page basically lists the various methods employed by different code coverage analysis tools: Source code instrumentation (Used by Clover) Offline byte code instrumentation (Used by Cobertura) On-the-fly byte code instrumentation (Used by Jacoco) What are these three methods and which one is the most efficient and why?If the answer to the question of efficiency is "it depends" , then please explain why? 回答1: Source code instrumentation consists in adding instructions to the source

How to revert Maven variables after Clover plugin finishes?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-24 10:51:43
问题 I'm attempting to add integration tests to a large Maven project. Here is the desired order of events: Clean existing artifacts. Resolve dependencies and build project. Run unit tests via Surefire plugin. Fork lifecycle for Clover plugin. --- Instrument sources using Clover plugin. --- Modify and for Clover. --- Build Clover instrumented project in a new directory. --- Run Clover instrumented unit tests via Surefire plugin. --- Check code

Sonar + Clover only runs on src-instrumented

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-24 06:46:20
问题 Currently I'm trying to do a Integration Test + Clover +Sonar I was available to do so (I can see in sonar the total coverage,(IT + Unit testing) together ) The issue is pretty much that the source been upload to sonar are the ones clover generates to do his thing. [INFO] [16:16:57.566] Working dir:/Users/cortiz/dev/company/tmp/profile/server/target/sonar [INFO] [16:16:57.566] Source dirs:/Users/cortiz/dev/company/tmp/profile/server/target/clover/src-instrumented [INFO] [16:16:57.566] Test


只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-17 05:49:50
记录在一台式机上安装黑苹果的过程,内容无原创。 一、主机配置:   CPU:i3-4160   GPU:HD Graphics 4400   内存:4 GB ( 记忆科技 DDR3L 1600MHz )   硬盘:希捷 ST500DM002-1BD142 ( 500 GB / 7200 转/分 ) 二、准备的工具:   1、一个大于8G的U盘和一个WinPe启动U盘;   2、DiskGenius:修改分区表格式,修改EFI分区设置文件   3、TransMac;制作MAC安装盘   4、EasyUEFI:创建EFI启动项   5、Clover Configurator:修改config.plist文件。 三、安装过程主要参考[1],为:   1、安装盘制作:下载MAC OS(集成自定义引导器clover)的镜像文件macOS Mojave 10.14.3(18D42) Installer with Clover 4859.dmg,用TransMac软件将此镜像刻录到准备的大于8G的U盘上,得到一个  MAC安装盘。   2、硬盘准备:备份硬盘数据,然后用WinPe启动盘将各分区删除,转换分区表格式为GUID(若硬盘已经为GPT格式,则备份数据后删除分区即可)。   3、替换config.plist:在WinPe下插入MAC安装盘,在clover文件夹下有适合多种显卡的config


ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-13 14:49:50
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 1.免费的期刊文献搜索网站平台:社科智讯 2.Windows快速搜索工具:Listary Pro 它一款非常优秀的Windows文件浏览和搜索增强工具,可以为你 Windows 的「文件浏览对话框」、「资源管理器」等增加非常方便的文件快速定位、实时全盘搜索、常用文件夹收藏、打开历史、快速切换到已打开的路径、快捷右键菜单等一系列非常实用和高效的功能,只需双击Ctrl便可以急速搜索这个电脑中的文件,速度之快犹如闪电侠附体 链接入口 3.clover ——标签页 clover让你在访问系统盘的时候能够像浏览器一样进行多标签页浏览,而不用打开一大堆的页面;Ctrl+T新开页面,Ctrl+W关闭页面,Ctrl+Tab切换页面;操作简单,作用高效。安装即可使用。 链接入口 4.免费文档下载工具:冰点下载器 无需注册,无需会员也无需积分,可以自由下载百度,豆丁,丁香,MBALib,道客巴巴,Book118等文库文档 链接入口 5. 万能办公工具:万彩办公大师 OfficeBox 里面集合了很多常用办公需求解决工具,PDF工具,格式转换,图片编辑,录屏,文件处理,视频制作,H5制作,各类识别工具等。 链接入口 6.pdf在线处理工具:PDF派 20个免费PDF专业在线转换制作工具集合 链接入口 7.在线图片处理工具

Measure unit code coverage % for function/method on Cyclomatic Complexity?

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-11 10:35:50
问题 Is there an approach to collect/report on unit test coverage based on a complexity ratio such as Cyclomatic Complexity on a method/function level? The reason/intent is to provide a measurable metric to show any areas that have a higher chance of defects based on complexity actually have appropriate unit test coverage (i.e. a metric away out of '100%' or '80%' coverage by changing the metric to '100% of Cyclomatic Complexity >= 10 for example). My usecase is currently Java/junit, and a

namespaced code not included in coverage

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-11 01:48:16
问题 here is phpunit.xml : <phpunit bootstrap="bootstrap.php" colors="false" convertErrorsToExceptions="true" convertNoticesToExceptions="true" convertWarningsToExceptions="true" stopOnFailure="false" stopOnError="false" stopOnIncomplete="false" stopOnSkipped="false"> <filter> <whitelist processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true"> <directory suffix=".php">../modules</directory> <directory suffix=".php">../models</directory> <directory suffix=".php">../lib</directory> <directory suffix=".php">..

Changing location of Clover instrumented classes

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-09 06:22:22
问题 I'm using Clover 2.5 and I've got a target that will package up the binary files. However, at the moment, it seems that the Clover instrumented classes are being generated in the same output directory as the un-instrumented classes that I wish to package up in a jar. How do I go about creating a jar so that the instrumented classes are not included? Is there a way to change where the instrumented classes are spat out? Or is the only way to package up a jar that does not include the

How to hook PMD + Clover in Hudson build using maven?

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-08 06:26:23
问题 we have newly set-up up a Hudson (yes.. Hudson, not Jenkins) CI. The job scheduled in Hudson does the following a. Connects to IBM ClearCase repository to download the latest source code b. Compiles all java source code and Creates a WAR file (by running the project's pom.xml) c. Deploys it to a Tomcat6 server Now, i want to take it one more step further in-terms of bringing in automatic 'Static Code Analyzers' in this process. I installed PMD/Clover/JavaNCSS plugins in my Hudson instance,