
Open JDK Like Memory Calculator Error Cloud Foundry

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2020-01-24 13:54:07
问题 I am deploying spring boot hello world app to cloud foundry. Used cf push command.Getting below Error: Open JDK Memory Calculator Error: No Version Reasonable for '2.0.2_RELEASE' in 3.13.0_RELEASE Any one have idea about this? From below stackoverflow, I can see 2.0.2.RELEASE as open jdk version: JDK availability in Cloud Foundry I am unable to get 3.13.0_RELEASE? Complete Log: Updating app TestPOC1... Mapping routes... Comparing local files to remote cache... Packaging files to upload...

Error 310: Staging failed deploying - Grails app in Cloud Foundry

允我心安 提交于 2020-01-15 10:22:50
问题 I'm trying to deploy my grails app to Cloud Foundry and I'm getting the eror below. I'm wondering if my mysql datasource is correctly configured in DataSource.groovy and this could be causing the issue or I'm missing something else. ====> /logs/staging.log <==== Uploading Application: Checking for available resources: OK Processing resources: OK Packing application: OK Uploading (116K): OK Push Status: OK Staging Application: ..Error 310: Staging failed: 'Staging plugin failed staging

why does cloudfoundry ssh drop the connection after 24 minutes?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-15 09:14:51
问题 We use the cf ssh command to open a tunnel so we can access the MariaDB from our jenkins job. cf ssh -N -L 13000: hostapp & As soon as the tunnel is open, we have [liquibase][] connect to the DB to update the schema. This works fine so far, but some of the DDL scripts and dataloads do take a long time and unfortunate it seems that the cf ssh tunnel is only open for about 24 minutes and then the connection is dropped. Is there any way to extend this time?

Cloud Foundry Playframework : Error 310: Staging failed:

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-01-06 07:25:20
问题 I am trying to host a sample (HelloWorld) Play app in Cloud Foundry but am always getting this error at Staging, Error 310: Staging failed: 'Staging task failed: Staging plugin failed: cp: cannot stat `/var/vcap/data/stager/tmp/d20120828-24156-128z05h/unstaged/logs/*': No such file or directory /var/vcap/data/packages/ruby/6.1/lib/ruby/1.9.1/fileutils.rb:1231:in `chmod': No such file or directory - /var/vcap/data/stager/tmp/d20120828-24156-128z05h/staged/app/start (Errno::ENOENT) from /var

node js app over cloud foundry failing as node oracledb dep is not getting downloaded behind firewall

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-01-06 07:21:34
问题 I have a node js app which needs to be pushed to cloud foundry. The oracle binary download is blocked by firewall so npm install fails to download node oracledb dependency. I have manually installed it under local node_modules folder. Now when i push my app to CF, it agains try to download node oracledb dependency, which is already present in local node_modules folder. My query is how can i mention this in package.json or package-lock.json so that CF does not download node oracledb with every

How to update postgres uri value in cf vcaps env

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-01-06 06:32:52
问题 I have a bound Postgres service to my spring application in CF (Cloud foundry) The VCAPS env available are as following: "postgresql": [ { "binding_name": null, "credentials": { "dbname": "JDusZ6EpE1ixbTKS", "end_points": [ { "host": "", "network_id": "SF", "port": "46371" } ], "hostname": "", "password": "SuVzOf2m5L5oNYSG", "port": "46371", "ports": { "5432/tcp": "46371" }, "uri": "postgres://eyv6avf27X9Z55Gx:SuVzOf2m5L5oNYSG@",

How to add multiple destinations for a java application in cloud foundry?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-01-06 04:36:33
问题 I developed a Java application using S4Hana SDK. After deploying the application to SAP Cloud platform, I set the destinations as an environment variable with below command. cf set-env firstapp destinations '[{name: "ErpQueryEndpoint", url: "https://URL", username: "USER", password: "PASSWORD"}]' Now, I would like to add a second destination for the same application. Can someone please help me? Thanks, Sankeerth 回答1: You can define multiple destinations in the environment variable. It is a

how to use apt-buildpack from cloudfoundry repo

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-01-06 03:56:05
问题 The apt-buildpack is experimental and not yet intended for production use. I guess that's why also no documentation. Creating container Successfully created container Downloading app package... Downloaded app package (862.7K) Warning: this buildpack can only be run as a supply buildpack, it can not be run alone Failed to compile droplet: Failed to compile droplet: exit status 1 Destroying container Exit status 223 Stopping instance abdfc8d0-699e-4834-9f2d-2b8aec218423 Successfully destroyed

Get app guid from app name - via code

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-03 05:09:10
问题 I've and node application mainApp that running on CF space, in this node application im getting other application name ( that deployed in the same space) and I want to get from it the application guid , How I can do it ? This is what I've tried ( I try to get all apps in this space and search for specific app from the guid but I got http 401 - unauthorized , any idea how can I get from app that deployed to CF the app app guid (suppose I've the app name ) There is a better way to achieve this

How to install CloudFoundry on local server

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-31 10:00:22
问题 I know that CF is made for running on multiple cloud services for one unified view of an microservice app. However, I would like to install and run the cloud foundry on my CentOS local server. In other wourds I would like to setup my private "cloud" on one server running CF as a microservice-based app container. How can I install CF on my local server so that later I could deploy some microservices on the local server for educational purposes, for microservice ping pong testing? 回答1: Setup CF