

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-04-14 16:55:08
【推荐阅读】微服务还能火多久?>>> iOS开发CoreGraphics核心图形框架之一——CGPath的应用 一、引言 CoreGraphics核心图形框架相较于UIKit框架更加偏于底层。在Objective-C工程中,CoreGraphics其中方法都是采用C语言风格进行编写的,同时其并不支持Objective-C的自动引用计数,在使用这个框架进行编程时,开发者要手动对内存进行管理。在Swift工程中,Apple使用Swift语言对CoreGraphics矿建进行了重构,将CGPath,CGMutablePaht等都重新定义为了类。CGPath可以理解为图形的路径,在Objective-C工程中,其实系统定义的一个内部结构体,开发者不可以直接使用,开发者CGPathRef和CGMutablePathRef别名作为CGPath的引用,实际上,CGPathRef和CGMutablePathRef都是CGPath结构体类型的指针,不同的是一个是const类型不可修改的,一个是可以修改的,系统定义如下: typedef struct CGPath *CGMutablePathRef; typedef const struct CGPath *CGPathRef; 二、CGPath创建与内存管理的相关方法 关于CGPath的创建与内存管理的相关方法,列举如下: /

Convert CGPathRef to NSBezierPath

可紊 提交于 2020-01-14 19:00:07
问题 In Apple docs they give you code of how to convert NSBezierPath to CGPathRef. I need to convert the other way around, from CGPathRef to NSBezierPath. UIBezierPath has a property called cgPath so if I was working on iPhone that would not be a problem, but I'm working on MacOS. This must be an old question, and I was sure to find an answer on Internet but no luck. Could be I'm missing something. Any help appreciated. 回答1: Old question but I'm sure this will still be helpful for others. (You

Can't set shadow on UICollectionViewCell and have rounded corners. Can only make one work at a time

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-22 09:21:03
问题 I have a UICollectionViewCell subclass and I need to round its corners and add a shadow as well. The cell looks like a square card, and the cells have a good amount of space in-between them. So "underneath" every cell, I would like to add some shadow. I can successfully do this, but then my cell only has rounded corners on the bottom. The top just has normal corners. I need rounded corners for all four corners. I have found solutions on here for UIViews that recommend adding a separate UIView

Drawing line with Touch iOS Sprite Kit

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-11 21:10:00
问题 Im using the following code to draw lines in my sprite kit scene but nothing shows up. But the node counts goes up. Can anyone see what could be the problem. Ive been fighting with this code forever - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UITouch* touch = [touches anyObject]; CGPoint positionInScene = [touch locationInNode:self]; pathToDraw = CGPathCreateMutable(); CGPathMoveToPoint(pathToDraw, NULL, positionInScene.x, positionInScene.y); lineNode = [SKShapeNode

Can't set shadow on UICollectionViewCell and have rounded corners. Can only make one work at a time

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-05 21:32:57
I have a UICollectionViewCell subclass and I need to round its corners and add a shadow as well. The cell looks like a square card, and the cells have a good amount of space in-between them. So "underneath" every cell, I would like to add some shadow. I can successfully do this, but then my cell only has rounded corners on the bottom. The top just has normal corners. I need rounded corners for all four corners. I have found solutions on here for UIViews that recommend adding a separate UIView as a subview , but I would prefer to avoid this for performance reasons. I did find one solution which