
How can I handle hash keys containing illegal identifier characters in Template Toolkit?

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-01 15:03:24
In Template Toolkit, if I have the following variable containing a hashref: [% artist = { 'life-span' => '1975 to 1987', } %] What is the best way to output the data in 'life-span'? I have tried... [% %] ^This fails because of the hyphen. [% artist.'life-span' %] ^This fails because the syntax is incorrect. [% lifespan = 'life-span' %] [% artist.$lifespan %] ^This works, but is impractical in a large app with lots of data. Is there a better way? The project I'm working on is a Catalyst based web app and the data comes from a number of different external web services, so I do

How can I handle hash keys containing illegal identifier characters in Template Toolkit?

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-01 13:54:02
问题 In Template Toolkit, if I have the following variable containing a hashref: [% artist = { 'life-span' => '1975 to 1987', } %] What is the best way to output the data in 'life-span'? I have tried... [% %] ^This fails because of the hyphen. [% artist.'life-span' %] ^This fails because the syntax is incorrect. [% lifespan = 'life-span' %] [% artist.$lifespan %] ^This works, but is impractical in a large app with lots of data. Is there a better way? The project I'm working on is

How to create a init-script for an Perl catalyst application running on nginx with fastcgi and perlbrew

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-01 09:27:14
I'm looking for a initscript to make usage of perlbrew on a webserver running a nginx as proxy for an perl catalyst application. I'm currently trying to start the app via source $PERLBREW execute "perlbrew use perl-5.14.4@devel" execute "mkdir -p $PID_PATH && $START_ICOS_APP > /dev/null 2>&1 &" echo "$DESC started" but it appers it cannot find the local perl installation. $PERLBREW is set to my perlbrew folder. This is a good step by step guide how to do this, but it is French (but still understandable). I copied here: Setup the user which is going to

Perl version string: why use EVAL EXPR?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-11-30 07:22:26
问题 I just took notice to this generated by . It is obviously some sort of unannotated hack. What is the advantage of setting up a version string like this? I can't even figure out what they're trying to do. our $VERSION = '0.01'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; 回答1: Version numbers are complex in Perl. Here's an excellent overview for those looking for the gory details. It might surprise you how many subtle ways there are to get things wrong... The direct answer to your question though, is

Catalyst 6500/6000 Switches ARP or CAM Table

心已入冬 提交于 2019-11-29 18:43:22
译: Catalyst交换机维护多种类型的表,这些表专为第2层交换或多层交换(MLS)而定制,并保存在very fast的memory中,以便可以并行比较帧或数据包中的许多字段。 ARP -将IP地址映射到MAC地址,以便在第2层广播域内提供IP通信。 例如,主机B想要向主机A发送信息,但在其ARP缓存中没有主机A的MAC地址。主机B为广播域内的所有主机生成广播消息,以获取与主机A的IP地址关联的MAC地址。广播域内的所有主机都接收ARP请求,并且只有主机A以其MAC地址进行响应。 CAM -All Catalyst交换机型号使用CAM表进行第2层交换。 当帧到达交换机端口时,源MAC地址被学习并记录在CAM表中 。 到达端口和VLAN都记录在表中,并附有时间戳 。如果在一个交换机端口上学习的MAC地址已移至另一个端口,则会记录最近到达端口的MAC地址和时间戳。然后,删除上一个条目。如果发现表中已存在正确到达端口的MAC地址,则仅更新其时间戳。 三元内容可寻址存储器(Ternary Content Addressable Memory,TCAM ) -


半世苍凉 提交于 2019-11-28 22:52:38
Spark SQL的发展 HDFS -> HIVE 由于Hadoop在企业生产中的大量使用,HDFS上积累了大量数据,为了给熟悉RDBMS但又不理解MapReduce的技术人员提供快速上手的工具,Hive应运而生。Hive的原理是将SQL语句翻译成MapReduce计算。 HIVE -> SHARK MapReduce计算过程中大量的中间磁盘落地过程消耗了大量的I/O,降低了运行效率,为了提供SQL-on-Hadoop的效率,Shark出现了。 Shark是伯克利AMPLab实验室Spark生态环境的组件之一,它修改了Hive中的内存管理、物理计划和执行三个模块,使得SQL语句直接运行在Spark上,从而使得SQL查询的速度得到10-100倍的提升。 SHARK -> SPARK SQL 2014年6月1日,Shark项目和SparkSQL项目的主持人Reynold Xin宣布:停止对Shark的开发,团队将所有资源放sparkSQL项目上,至此,Shark的发展画上了句号。 随着Spark的发展,Shark对于Hive的太多依赖制约了Spark的One Stack rule them all的方针,制约了Spark各个组件的相互集成,同时Shark也无法利用Spark的特性进行深度优化,所以决定放弃Shark,提出了SparkSQL项目。 随着Shark的结束


笑着哭i 提交于 2019-11-28 18:54:17
引言 最近在学习几种串行通信协议,感觉收获很多,这篇文章是学习IIC总线协议的第一篇文章,以后还会再写一篇关于PCF8591 IIC通信的ADDA转换芯片的文章. 关于IIC总线 IIC 即Inter-Integrated Circuit(集成电路总线),这种总线类型是由飞利浦半导体公司在八十年代初设计出来的一种简单、双向、二线制、同步串行总线,主要是用来连接整体电路(ICS) ,IIC是一种多向控制总线,也就是说多个芯片可以连接到同一总线结构下,同时每个芯片都可以作为实时数据传输的控制源。主要包括启始、停止、读、写、应答信号。这种方式简化了信号传输总线接口。 IIC总线上可以挂多个器件,而每个器件都有唯一的地址,这样可以标识通信目标。数据的通信的方式采用主从方式,主机负责主动联系从机,而从机则被动回应数据。 关于AT24C02 AT24C02是一个2K位串行CMOS E2PROM, 内部含有256个8位字节,CATALYST公司的先进CMOS技术实质上减少了器件的功耗。AT24C02有一个8字节页写缓冲器。该器件通过IIC 总线接口 进行操作,有一个专门的 写保护 功能。在单片机上的应用广泛, 可以实现掉电数据不丢失功能。 IIC总线数据有效性的规定 SCL=1期间,SDA必须保持稳定,SCL=0时,SDA才允许改变。 IIC 总线的几种信号 1.起始和终止信号:

Why use nginx with Catalyst/Plack/Starman?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-11-28 04:59:57
I am trying to deploy my little Catalyst web app using Plack/Starman. All the documentation seems to suggest I want to use this in combination with nginx. What are the benefits of this? Why not use Starman straight up on port 80? It doesn't have to be nginx in particular, but you want some kind of frontend server proxying to your application server for a few reasons: So that you can run the Catalyst server on a high port, as an ordinary user, while running the frontend server on port 80. To serve static files (ordinary resources like images, JS, and CSS, as well as any sort of downloads you

Does Express.js support sending unbuffered progressively flushed responses?

佐手、 提交于 2019-11-27 05:25:00
Perl's Catalyst framework permitts you to send an progressively flushed response over an open connection. You could for instance use write_fh() on Catalyst::Response . I've begun using Node.js, and I can't find how to do the equivalent. If I want to send a big CSV file, on the order of 200 megs is there a way to do that without buffering the whole CSV file in memory? Granted, the client will timeout if you don't send data in a certain amount of time, so a promise would be nice if -- but is there anyway to do this? When I try to do a res.send(text) in a callback, I get Express 500 Error: This

Why use nginx with Catalyst/Plack/Starman?

点点圈 提交于 2019-11-27 00:44:51
问题 I am trying to deploy my little Catalyst web app using Plack/Starman. All the documentation seems to suggest I want to use this in combination with nginx. What are the benefits of this? Why not use Starman straight up on port 80? 回答1: It doesn't have to be nginx in particular, but you want some kind of frontend server proxying to your application server for a few reasons: So that you can run the Catalyst server on a high port, as an ordinary user, while running the frontend server on port 80.