

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-21 20:26:11
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 1.安装rpmrebuild 和安装rpmbuild rpmrebuild下载链接: rpmbuild直接用yum安装 :yum install rpm-build 2.配置rpm编译目录 vi ~/.rpmmacros %_topdir /data/rpmbuild 保存。 3.创建目录解压rpmrebuild文件到/data/rpmbuild中 mkdir -p /data/rpmbuild && cd /data/rpmbuild mkdir ./BUILDROOT mkdir ./SPECS cd /data/rpmbuild mkdir tools cp rpmrebuild-2.14.tar.gz ./tools/ cd tools tar -zxvf rpmrebuild-2.14.tar.gz cd .. 4.安装准备重新打包的rpm(例如:rpm-build) rpm -ivh rpm-build-4.11.3-40.el7.x86_64.rpm 5.反编译提取SPEC文件 #查看rpm安装名称 rpm -qa|grep rpm-build cd /data

Set newly created file as variable in makefile

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-20 07:47:14
问题 I am trying to create a file and set the contents of a file to a variable but the variable is always seen as empty. An example: define FILE_VAR cat /output/1.txt >> /output/2.txt $(eval s := $(shell cat /output/2.txt)) $(eval FILENAME_BIN=$(word 1, $(s)).$(word 2, $(s)).$(word 3, $(s)).bin) $(eval FILENAME_JFFS2=$(word 1, $(s)).$(word 2, $(s)).$(word 3, $(s)).jffs2) endef If 2.txt exists before running this the variables will be set to the data prior to running make (not the new redirected

Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: charts

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-19 08:52:50
问题 I am building a QT app using QTwidgets to run in a RaspberyPi3 with an image inside the SDcard built with buildroot. I suppose that charts are supported since they are based in QtWidgets and widgets are supported. My problem is, when i integrate Charts in my project and run the project in the computer, there is no problem, however when I try to deploy this to the Raspberry the files and libraries are not included and errors show up. In my .pro file I have: QT += charts But this gives the

how to rebuild rootfs in buildroot

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-19 02:43:11
问题 I am going to setup build environment to make my own linux embedded system for AT91SAM9X25 Board. I am using buildroot to do this. The make command build all targets, the first it build toolchain then packages and then rootfs and images of rootfs (tar, cpio ...). To rebuild rootfs I usually use make clean and then make. The make clean command removes all and including toolchain. So the first my question is: Is there some way to remake rootfs without building toolchain? It takes a lot of time.

Buildroot package management

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-18 16:46:29
问题 I'm using buildroot to create a rootfs running on my ARM platform. I'd like to have a package manager on my platform to easily install packages, like apt-get in ubuntu. I found opkg, who can be simply added to the buildroot build, but I can't find any information about how to find a repository. Also, reading some stuff on the web about this, I also read that buildroot didn't include a package manager. Isn't opkg a package manager? Or just some kind of frontend to fetch packages? I don't

How do I configure the Linux kernel within Buildroot?

可紊 提交于 2019-12-18 11:37:47
问题 I'm trying to build a rootfs for an x86 target, which is all simple enough. However I can't figure out how I configure the kernel that buildroot produces. The first run through came up with menuconfig, but it's cached the .config since then and I can't see where to change it. ~650MB of kernel modules don't do good things to an embedded target :P Is there an easy way to configure the kernel within buildroot? Something like the uclibc-menuconfig target would be perfect. 回答1: I always do the


≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-18 08:18:59
1. 查看变量: rpmbuild --showrc 2. spec文件 头部 多行的部分,如 %changelog 或 %description 由指令下一行开始,空行结束。 一些不需要的行 (如 BuildRequires 和 Requires) 可使用 ‘#’ 注释。 BuildRequires: <=== 在本机编译rpm包时需要的辅助工具,以逗号分隔。假如,要求编译myapp时,gcc的版本至少为4.4.2,则可以写成gcc >=4.2.2。还有其他依赖的话则以逗号分别继续写道后面。 Requires: <=== 编译好的rpm软件在其他机器上安装时,需要依赖的其他软件包,也以逗号分隔,有版本需求的可以 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) %{_tmppath}代表的路径为 /var/tmp %install 阶段 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT $RPM_BUILD_ROOT等于前面定义的BuildRoot变量,也可以写成%{buildroot},必须全部用小写,不然要报错。 %files 阶段 主要用来说明会将%{buildroot

buildroot构建项目(二)--- u-boot 2017.11 建立 2440 开发板

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-18 04:54:58
一、准备工作   在建立之前,先需要将下载的u-boot 拷贝一份出来解压,在此工程下进行更改和创建。同时根据前面搜索到的 mini2440开发板所在的版本,下载一份u-boot 拷贝出 mini2440 的工程文件。   选择2013.10版本的 u-boot。下载,并解压。 1.1 board 目录修改   u-boot-2013.10/board/samsung/smdk2410 复制进 u-boot-2017.11/board/samsung/ 目录   文件名修改:         Makefile 修改为:      创建 Kconfig 文件并修改:    1.2 头文件修改   u-boot-2013.10/include/configs/smdk2410.h 拷贝进 u-boot-2017.11//include/configs/mini2440.h      在头文件中添加对 S3C2440芯片的支持:      在2013.10版本中,执行命令:grep -R -l "smdk2410.h"   查找是否还有包含 smdk2410.h 文件 1.3 修改arch/arm下文件   1.3.1 修改Kconfig文件   当前新版的u-boot与linux源码一样,都执行make menuconfig 进行配置


こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-18 04:54:44
为什么要使用 buildroot? (文件系统搭建,强烈建议直接用 buildroot,官网[]上有使用教程非常详细)文件系统通常要包含很多第三方软件,比如busybox,udhcpc,tftp , apache,sqlite,PHP,iptable,DNS 等,为了避免繁杂的移植工作。 buildroot应运而生。通过menuconfig配置我们需要的功能,不需要的功能去掉,再执行make指令编译,buildroot就会自动从指定的服务器上下载源码包,自动编译,自动搭建成我们所需要的嵌入式根文件系统。让我们的工作效率成百倍的提升。 1:获取buildroot 我们可以从 buildroot官网(获取buildroot源码包,buildroot基本上三个月更新一次,目前最新是buildroot-2016.11.tar.gz,这里我们实际下载的源码包是 buildroot-2016.02.tar.gz。建议下载最新的版本,因为新的版本包含更多的第三方工具软件。 2:配置buildroot 将源码包复制到XXX 目录下,并解压 tar -xvf buildroot-2015.02.tar.gz 进入目录,执行配置命令:cd /XXX


穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-18 04:54:04
鉴于自己制作根文件系统太麻烦了,所以想用buildroot管理uboot,kernel,另外还可以自动生产rootfs,于是花了两天研究了下buildroot的框架和使用,在自己的2440开发板上也跑起来了,故整理成文档,以便自己将来忘记的时候能参考下: 源码下载,我下载的是2018.02.3版本,官方下载地址: 由于我是玩的JZ2440的板子,故我就以这个板子作为蓝本说明: 1.cd到buildroot根目录下。 2.首先查看当前buildroot支持哪些单板: a.去configs/目录下直接查看。 b.在根目录下执行make list-defconfigs。 3. 由于我的板子是比较老的s3c2440的板子,于是只好我自己创建了,执行make menuconfig,一项一项的去设置: a.Target options: b.Build options: 暂时保持默认即可。 Toolchain: Toolchain type --------> External toolchain #因为我使用自己安装的toolchain Toolchain --------> Custom toolchain #客户定制的工具链 Toolchain origin --------> Pre-installed toolchain