
spidev Linux driver on Intel Atom board

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-08 12:30:24
问题 I am working on bringing up SPI on Kontron's Atom-based SMARC-sXBTi board under Linux. Kontron provided Yocto BSP but it does not include SPI driver. I rebuilt Linux with SPI support. I can see the SPI controller in lspci and in sysfs the SPI PCI device is bound to pca2xx_spi_pci driver. As I understand this is a platform driver which does not expose user mode API and I need spidev to be able to work via /dev/spidev but when I modeprobe spidev I don't see anything happening: no file added to

Mapping a VxWorks image onto RAM (BSP)

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-08 00:23:45
问题 Looking at a BSP package supplied with VxWorks shows the following memory mapping for the image: (from Pentium4) Parameter RAM_HIGH_ADRS { NAME Bootrom Copy region DEFAULT (INCLUDE_BOOT_APP)::(0x00008000) \ 0x00108000 } Parameter RAM_LOW_ADRS { NAME Runtime kernel load address DEFAULT (INCLUDE_BOOT_RAM_IMAGE)::(0x00508000) \ (INCLUDE_BOOT_APP)::(0x00108000) \ 0x00308000 } But this one looks strange to me, how can RAM_LOW_ADRS > RAM_HIGH_ADRS ? Per what I could understand, the boot loader is


江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-06 20:55:26
由著名国际科学家王东林教授建造的Yottachain将分散的存储资源连接在一起,形成具有自愈能力、大规模和全球共享的同一个存储池,并确保了每个人的数据主权,是存储完整性的10000倍以上。 Yottachain不同于比特币和以太网广场,因为Yottachain通过自己的存储空间进行挖掘。对于Yottachain来说,除了将闲置资源用于采矿之外,正在使用和即将使用的存储资源也可以作为回报,用于挖掘、存储数据和交换奖励。 Yottachain开发了自己独特的核心技术,通过BSP(BiockchainStorageProtocol)协议在块链存储中发挥着决定性作用,并通过BSP协议为整个区块链存储行业构建了一个开放平台,称为BSP开放平台。 块链存储系统可以通过对接BSP协议来实现BSP开放平台的所有功能,包括在块链存储中起决定性作用的专有技术,直接带来市场利益的专有技术,以及非常专业的存储服务、专业密钥管理和帐户管理功能。"去加权效应&它的好处远远大于自己的存储放大系数(这是因为用户拥有的数据越多,放大系数越高),从而借入和销售更多的数据存储空间。 唯一拥有TruPrivacy技术的YottaChain将在现有的IPF存储设计中增加数据安全机制。 数据是用零知识加密的,然后数据很重,所以最终存储非重复加密数据,没有权限的人(包括存储节点的所有者、系统设计人员/维护人员


自作多情 提交于 2019-12-06 12:40:44
vxworks开发基础 小狼@ vxworks开发总体框架 一、RTP开发 RTP应用开发入口: usrAppInit.c -> usrAppInit() 二、wind kernel配置/驱动开发 wind kernel配置头文件: prjComps.h、configAll.h、config.h、prjParams.h wind kernel配置也可以在开发环境中使用可视化界面配置 vxworks添加组件的一般步骤: 选择适当的目录 -> 根据读取顺序为CDF文件取名 -> 组件命名 -> 描述与代码相关的内容 -> 设定组件初始化入口 -> 建立初始化顺序 -> 链接帮助文件 -> 定义依赖关系 -> 定义从属关系 三、BSP开发 vxworks bsp移植一般步骤(参照相似BSP包修改): 修改内存尺寸定义 -> 修改Cache驱动 -> 修改中断控制器程序 -> 修改时钟控制器程序 -> 修改串口程序 -> 添加网络设备驱动 -> 修改人机接口 -> 为其他硬件增加驱动程序 主要在sysLib.c中需要用户实现以下系统调用: 1. sysClkConnect() 为系统时钟中断挂接服务程序 2. sysClkDisable() 关闭系统时钟中断 3. sysClkEnable() 打开系统时钟中断 4.

Mapping a VxWorks image onto RAM (BSP)

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-06 08:13:45
Looking at a BSP package supplied with VxWorks shows the following memory mapping for the image: (from Pentium4) Parameter RAM_HIGH_ADRS { NAME Bootrom Copy region DEFAULT (INCLUDE_BOOT_APP)::(0x00008000) \ 0x00108000 } Parameter RAM_LOW_ADRS { NAME Runtime kernel load address DEFAULT (INCLUDE_BOOT_RAM_IMAGE)::(0x00508000) \ (INCLUDE_BOOT_APP)::(0x00108000) \ 0x00308000 } But this one looks strange to me, how can RAM_LOW_ADRS > RAM_HIGH_ADRS ? Per what I could understand, the boot loader is suppose to be loaded after RAM_HIGH_ADRS and the VxWorks image at RAM_LOW_ADRS, and the boot loader is

SWIG+c+Python: Passing and receiving c arrays

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:00:01
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I am trying to reuse some old c code with SWIG and Python. Right now I am quite confused. The errors I get can be demonstrated on a small example: bsp.h: extern void add(int a[], int b[], int c[]); bsp.c: #include "bsp.h" void add(int a[], int b[], int c[]) { c[0] = a[0] + b[0]; c[1] = a[1] + b[1]; } bsp.i %module bsp %{ #include "bsp.h"; %} %include "bsp.h"; #!/usr/bin/env python from distutils.core import setup, Extension bsp_module = Extension('_bsp', sources = ['bsp_wrap.c', 'bsp.c'] ) setup(name = 'bsp', ext_modules = [bsp


醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-11-30 11:57:07
玩转Zynq连载27——导出PS硬件配置和新建SDK工程 更多资料共享 腾讯微云链接: 百度网盘链接: 提取码:ld9c 腾讯微云链接: 百度网盘链接: 提取码:ld9c 1 概述 配置好PS的PL工程,在完成编译后,需要将PS的硬件配置导出,作为SDK的BSP(Board Support Package),然后SDK上可以新建软件工程,编写应用程序,实现Zynq上Cortex A9的开发。本节以zstar_ex50工程为例,演示如何将PL工程的PS硬件配置导出、在SDK新建一个最简单的HelloWorld模板工程。 2导出PS硬件配置 PL工程编译完成后,如图所示,点击菜单File --> Export --> Export Hardware。 弹出如图所示对话框,默认设置,点击OK。![在这里插入图片描述](

Simple example of BSP dungeon generation

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-11-30 07:42:16
I was originally trying to follow this algorithm to create a little simple roguelike dungeon in C#. But I guess I'm just too stupid, because my result always came out a jumbled mess of crap. I then switched over to my own algorithm, which produces not-great but semi-recognizable-as-a-dungeon results. Does anyone have any examples of doing it the BSP way, as described in the linked article? It would be best if it weren't encumbered by a bunch of game details/library calls, because (again) I'm stupid. (If you're especially masochistic and want me to post the code I had, I can, but I figured it'd

Simple example of BSP dungeon generation

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-11-29 10:26:06
问题 I was originally trying to follow this algorithm to create a little simple roguelike dungeon in C#. But I guess I'm just too stupid, because my result always came out a jumbled mess of crap. I then switched over to my own algorithm, which produces not-great but semi-recognizable-as-a-dungeon results. Does anyone have any examples of doing it the BSP way, as described in the linked article? It would be best if it weren't encumbered by a bunch of game details/library calls, because (again) I'm