Mapping a VxWorks image onto RAM (BSP)

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-06 08:13:45

RAM High/Low are somewhat of a misnomer as you have discovered.
It really should be called RAM_VXWORKS_ADDR and RAM_BOOT_ADDR (or some such).
A lot of those names are historical in nature.

In 99% of cases, RAM_HIGH > RAM_LOW. But, depending on architecture, BSP and target, there might be an inversion.

In the end, it's just an address to load software. As long as there is no conflict or overlap, it's ok.

The vxWorks Heap has nothing to do with RAM_LOW/HIGH_ADDR per se.

The vxWorks heap (in a simplified view) runs from above the vxWorks image to the address returned by sysMemTop() - which is defined by the BSP and might run to the top of physical RAM (or not).

In the normal situation, with vxWorks loading bellow the bootrom load address, the bootrom simply gets overwritten. That's not the case in your BSP, so you do loose some RAM space since the bootrom is not "reclaimed".
