
Unexpected bindings reset on BizTalk 2009

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-02-17 06:27:50
问题 I use many application on BizTalk 2009. I have noticed many times that, after a resource add (.dll) in a random application, all the bindings (custom pipelines) of a precise application totally reset to an early previous state. I'm really curious of why this happens. But I also need a solution to stop that behavior or resolve automatically this problem. 回答1: It happens because it tries to apply a cached binding after you have deployed. Sometimes it doesn't correctly update the cached binding

Handling BizTalk dynamic WCF-WebHttp ports suspended messages

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-01-29 06:23:57
问题 I am creating a Biztalk dynamic port WCF-WebHttp. When I get a response back in the form of a HTTP 404, the port suspends the following error is shown System.Net.WebException: There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. {"type":"availability.not_found","message":"No availability was found for the properties requested."} I have tried to

In Biztalk mapper how to use split array concept

早过忘川 提交于 2021-01-29 02:42:40
问题 Required suggestion on below part.please any one give solution. We have mapping from 850 to FlatFile X12/PO1Loop1/PO1/PO109 and I need to map to field VALUE which is under record Option which is unbounded. Split PO109 into substrings delimited by '.', foreach subsring after the first, create new Option with value=substring So in input sample we have value like 147895632qwerqtyuui.789456123321456987 Similarly the field repeats under POLoop1. So I need to split value based on (.) then pass a

Promoting the InterchangeID using a correlation set doesn't work - why not?

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-01-28 12:20:05
问题 I have a Direct to MessageBox send port publishing a message, for which I would like to have the InterchangeID promoted so that I can create a sequential convoy against the current batch of messages. I am using an initializing correlation set, declaring BTS.InterchangeID as the correlated property, and applying it to the Send action. When I run the code, these messages cause routing errors. Looking at the routing failure report, I can see that the InterchangeID is present but is "Not Promoted

Add basicHttpBinding to BizTalk ESB Toolkit WCF Service /ESB.ItineraryServices.WCF/ProcessItinerary.svc

三世轮回 提交于 2021-01-28 03:50:27
问题 Just getting started with the ESB Toolkit 2.0 on BizTalk Server 2009. I can get a .NET client to talk to the ESB Toolkit WCF Service /ESB.ItineraryServices.WCF/ProcessItinerary.svc with no problem at all, however, we use a client technology that cannot process wsHttpBindings at all, it can only see the basicHttpBinding. Does anyone have any idea how to add a basicHttpBinding to the web.config for this service? The web.config is shown below. Many thanks for any help you can provide. Andrew <

Add basicHttpBinding to BizTalk ESB Toolkit WCF Service /ESB.ItineraryServices.WCF/ProcessItinerary.svc

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-01-28 02:53:39
问题 Just getting started with the ESB Toolkit 2.0 on BizTalk Server 2009. I can get a .NET client to talk to the ESB Toolkit WCF Service /ESB.ItineraryServices.WCF/ProcessItinerary.svc with no problem at all, however, we use a client technology that cannot process wsHttpBindings at all, it can only see the basicHttpBinding. Does anyone have any idea how to add a basicHttpBinding to the web.config for this service? The web.config is shown below. Many thanks for any help you can provide. Andrew <

How to add drop down property into biztalk pipeline component

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-01-27 21:58:28
问题 i'm trying to add a drop down design-property into a pipeline component. I found this article and i followed all steps. The result is that i can see drop down into pipeline properties in visual studio but when i associate it to receive port i can only see text box and not dropdown property. 回答1: Unfortunately

Why can't I change the attachment name of the body part via the BizTalk SMTP Adapter?

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-01-27 12:16:54
问题 I'm attempting to send a message through a BizTalk SMTP Send Port. Specifically, I am sending a message through a "specify-later" port of an orchestration. My goal is to attach the message body to the sent email with an attachment filename of my choosing. However, no matter what I try the attachment name remains "body.csv" I have tried: Multipart message with a single part + set MIME.FileName on this part. Multipart message with two parts (both attached) + set MIME.FileName on both parts (the

How to resolve BizTalk error related MQ using MQSC adapter

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-12-15 08:33:07
问题 Getting below in error. Orchestrion looking for MQ for message. Once message available in Queue orchestration will start process. But getting below error. Application: BTSNTSvc64.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.AccessViolationException at .ImqQue.{dtor}(ImqQue ) at .ImqQue.__vbaseDtor(ImqQue*) at .MQSeriesInputImplBase.WaitFor(MQSeriesInputImplBase*, Int32) at Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Mqsc