
How can I get pybtex to read an absent field as NULL instead of skipping the record?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2021-01-29 05:40:20
问题 I have been using pybtex (using a modified version of this) to pass records from a .bib file into a .csv like so from pybtex.database.input import bibtex import csv parser = bibtex.Parser() bibdata = parser.parse_file("../../bib/small.bib") # create csv file with open('smallbib.csv', mode ='w') as csv_file: fieldnames = ['DOI', 'number'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames, lineterminator = '\n') writer.writeheader() for bib_id in bibdata.entries: b = bibdata.entries[bib

Convert BibTex file to database entries using Python

为君一笑 提交于 2021-01-20 16:00:01
问题 Given a bibTex file, I need to add the respective fields(author, title, journal etc.) to a table in a MySQL database (with a custom schema). After doing some initial research, I found that there exists Bibutils which I could use to convert a bib file to xml. My initial idea was to convert it to XML and then parse the XML in python to populate a dictionary. My main questions are: Is there a better way I could do this conversion? Is there a library which directly parses a bibTex and gives me

Convert BibTex file to database entries using Python

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-01-20 15:59:10
问题 Given a bibTex file, I need to add the respective fields(author, title, journal etc.) to a table in a MySQL database (with a custom schema). After doing some initial research, I found that there exists Bibutils which I could use to convert a bib file to xml. My initial idea was to convert it to XML and then parse the XML in python to populate a dictionary. My main questions are: Is there a better way I could do this conversion? Is there a library which directly parses a bibTex and gives me


隐身守侯 提交于 2020-11-08 17:41:53
参考: 1.TexLive是必须要有的tex引擎,VSCode的插件只是用来调用texlive方便一些。 2.VSCode的插件默认用pdflatex编译引擎,pdflatex不支持ctex或者xeCJK的编译(中文),所以需要更改setting,用xelatex进行编译: "": [ { "name": "xelatex", "command": "xelatex", "args": [ "-synctex=1", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-file-line-error", "-pdf", "%DOCFILE%" ] }, { "name": "pdflatex", "command": "pdflatex", "args": [ "-synctex=1", "-interaction


不羁岁月 提交于 2020-10-02 06:59:35
标题overleaf编辑 为了防止之后归纳总结有遗漏,因此记录论文编辑过程的问题和解决方法。第一次用,都是基础目的是自己备忘,节省后来人时间,不喜出门左转,不要浪费大家时间。 问题1 . overleaf的注册。 解决:注册ORCID,用ORCID账号登录overleaf。overleaf注册页面是刷不出来了,不是你网络问题。 问题2 .文献的引用。 遇到的问题是,我的模板中使用的是bibitem的格式参考文献。如下图。 所以下面要进行bibtex-bibitem格式转换。(又是困扰了几个小时消耗了一瓣柚子一大块凤梨的问题) 解决: 这里是引用 博主说的明明很明白了,但是。。。 (1.在新建的.tex 中运行Latex 或PDFLatex ,2.bibtex 即可生成包含所有bibitem 内容的.bbl 文件。 3.bbl 文件中的所有内容到正文的latex 程序即可使用。)这两句话我就参出了三个问号。 下面请顺序进行下面三个动作: 然后就能看到.bbl文件了! 未完待续 来源: oschina 链接:


做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-08-17 03:35:55
LaTeX常用链接与资料 作者:凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园 1. 软件安装 LaTex 论文排版(1): Win10 下 LaTex所需软件安装 (Tex live 2018 + Tex studio) _TechArtisan6的博客-CSDN博客_latex软件 2. 数学公式转换 LaTeX公式与MathType公式如何快速转换 -MathType中文官网 如何实现MathType公式转换LaTeX代码 -MathType中文官网 Online LaTeX Equation Editor - create, integrate and download 在线 LaTeX 公式编辑器 3. 表格转换 Table Convert Online - table to markdown,csv,json,latex table,excel,sql,xml Create LaTeX tables online – excel2latex _weixin_42141390的博客-CSDN博客_excel2latex(文件下载见7) 4. 图片转换 Convert PNG/JPEG (Raster) to EPS/PDF (Vector) Format CloudConvert 5.