
Jackson 2.0 compatibility with Jackson 1.x annotations?

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-23 11:48:53
问题 I have an older framework class that is annotated with jackson 1.x. My application uses jackson 2.0 to handle json serialization. Is it possible to configure jackson 2.0 to understand the "old" annotations? currently these annotations are simply ignored. 回答1: There is no out-of-the-box configuration, but it should be quite easy to implement Jackson 2.0 AnnotationIntrospector (possibly extending JacksonAnnotationIntrospector ) and make it use Jackson 1.x annotations in addition to or instead

Issue about java 8 backward compatibility: new methods in JDK

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-23 11:48:14
问题 Simple question. In Java 8 we have huge number of new methods in JDK classes. Say we have created such class, using Java 7 (or Java 6): class MyArrayList<E> extends ArrayList<E> { public void sort(Comparator<E> c) { // some sort } } This is quite reasonable implementation. Now we try to compile it with Java 8 and receive expectable compile error: error: name clash: sort(Comparator<E#1>) in MyArrayList and sort(Comparator<? super E#2>) in ArrayList have the same erasure, yet neither overrides

Android: how to the design app for Smartphone AND Tablet?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-23 01:05:06
问题 I know there are already quite a lot of blog entries, how to's, questions out there that cover backward compatibility of Android 3.0 apps. However, after reading them all I'm just more confused than before. :( What I have is a Smartphone app that supports min. SDK version 8 (2.2). I now want this one to stay the same on Smartphones, but also provide a fancy version on Honeycomb Tablets with Action Bar and Fragments and so on. I know there is the compatibility pack, but all I read about it was

How to create a new Xcode 5 project that is backwards compatible with iOS 5.0? - Getting missing Storyboard error

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-22 18:29:47
问题 Our client requires an iPad/iPhone app that covers iOS 5.0 - iOS 7.0. I created a new project in Xcode 5 In build settings I changed the architecture to standard Standard armv7 , armv7s I clicked on the Main.storyboard and made sure that the interface builder settings were: Opens in: Default (5.0) Builds for: iOS 5 and Later View as: iOS 6.1 and Earlier In Deployment Info I changed the Deployment Target to 5.0 I can see my old simulators now, but running an empty single application project in

jQuery 1.9 backward compatibility issue?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-22 18:29:43
问题 I am trying to use a jQuery plugin on my site which uses jQuery 1.6.2. When I change the jQuery version to 1.9 the plugin no longer works. I thought there was a backwards compatibility feature in jQuery. Is there any way to know/fix the code that does not work in 1.9? If it helps I am trying to use a plugin called CropZoom and here is the link. Also, let me know if there is similar plugin the same features. I'll appreciate it. Thanks 回答1: This is How jQuery tell's you to fix it: We realize

jQuery 1.9 backward compatibility issue?

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-22 18:29:01
问题 I am trying to use a jQuery plugin on my site which uses jQuery 1.6.2. When I change the jQuery version to 1.9 the plugin no longer works. I thought there was a backwards compatibility feature in jQuery. Is there any way to know/fix the code that does not work in 1.9? If it helps I am trying to use a plugin called CropZoom and here is the link. Also, let me know if there is similar plugin the same features. I'll appreciate it. Thanks 回答1: This is How jQuery tell's you to fix it: We realize

Java JDK 11 Breaking Old Jars/Programs

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-22 17:57:14
问题 It is to my understanding that Java JREs are backwards compatible, if you write a program in Java (JDK) 7, it will run with Java (JRE) 8. I have a couple of programs I developed in Java 8, and have .jar and EXE files that I built when I finished them, and they always ran fine. However, after installing Java JDK 11 (11.0.2), these old .jar files break... A couple of them still run, but their GUIs have expanded, with buttons and images being bigger than before, and in some cases blurry One

Netlogo transition, backwards compatibility

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-22 00:13:59
问题 'd like to upgrade (if that's the word) a 100-150 of home-grown Netlogo 4.1.3 programs to Netlogo 6, preferably in batch by means of Perl or another scripting language, followed by a (necessary) manual inspection and finish. To my dismay Netlogo 6 won't open Netlogo 4 files, so I've upgraded a few of them by opening them in Netlogo 5, save and reopen in Netlogo 6 and save. Not a particularly elegant way. Any advice?. 回答1: It looks like the reason Netlogo 6 won't read the 4.1.3 files is that

Photo Mosaic in Mathematica: an example from 2008 doesn't work in Mathematica 8

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-21 16:18:53
问题 I'm trying to get a Mathematica example working. It's the one on Theo Gray's blog. I think that Mathematica must have changed since he wrote that code (May 2008), since I'm unable to get anything reasonable out of it, despite changing nearly everything. Do I use ImageData instead of Import? Can anyone suggest a version of this code that works for Mathematica 8? imagePool = Map[With[{i = Import[#]}, {i, Mean[Flatten[N[i[[1, 1]]], 1]]}] &, FileNames["Pool/*.jpg"]]; closeMatch[c_] :=

Photo Mosaic in Mathematica: an example from 2008 doesn't work in Mathematica 8

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-21 16:18:08
问题 I'm trying to get a Mathematica example working. It's the one on Theo Gray's blog. I think that Mathematica must have changed since he wrote that code (May 2008), since I'm unable to get anything reasonable out of it, despite changing nearly everything. Do I use ImageData instead of Import? Can anyone suggest a version of this code that works for Mathematica 8? imagePool = Map[With[{i = Import[#]}, {i, Mean[Flatten[N[i[[1, 1]]], 1]]}] &, FileNames["Pool/*.jpg"]]; closeMatch[c_] :=