
Create Azure blob/fileshare container through ARM template

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-02-01 14:08:49
问题 I am looking a way to create a container in Azure blob & file-share storage through ARM template. At present I have ARM template to provision the storage accounts, but I want to create containers also in ARM. { "name": "[parameters('storageAccountName')]", "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "apiVersion": "[variables('storageApiVersion')]", "sku": { "name": "[variables('storageAccountType')]" }, "dependsOn": [ ], "tags": { "Environment": "

Azure Web app save temporary files limit

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-01-14 10:13:31
问题 I have need to store files temporary on my Azure web app (app service). I don't have to share these files between web app instances. I have read (in the kudu wiki) that I can use the d:\local for such storage, but what limitations exists regarding the amount of data that can be stored there? I have also read that it depends on the selected level (sku) of the web app (Basic, standard, premium) but I have not found any exact size limitations. Is there any way to determine this in runtime using

Storage service API call

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-24 07:17:48
问题 I try to create a file share on an existing Azure storage account via bash script. I only have the account name and key, but don't want to use login credentials. This is what I have so far: #!/bin/sh DATE_ISO=$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") VERSION="2015-02-21" curl --header "x-ms-version: ${VERSION}" --header "x-ms-date: ${DATE_ISO}" --header "Authorization: SharedKey mystorageaccount:?????" The documentation says,

VSTS: Publish build artifacts to Azure File Storage

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-22 08:17:18
问题 Is it possible to publish the output from a build on Visual Studio Team Services to Azure File Storage? I have looked at the Azure File Copy task but can see no way to copy to to anything but Azure Blob Storage or VMs with this. I was thinking I could possibly use AzCopy to achieve this but it seems like this should be supported out of the box. Any ideas? 回答1: From this article, We know that it only support copy files to Azure storage Blog and VMs at currently. I think it does not support at

Get notification when file added to File Share

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-13 02:51:36
问题 Is there a way to get notified when a new file is added/modified to Azure File Share? Similar feature exists with AWS S3 where one can configure an S3 bucket to send message to SQS or SNS or Lambda (or other) when a new File is added. An alternative (though less preferred) is to be able to query files in a share such that only modified/new files after date X will be returned. 回答1: For getting notifications on addition/modification of blobs (not files), you have multiple options available:

Limiting account SAS permission to specific files in Azure Storage

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-12 02:16:12
问题 I'm developing a web application which users can upload their files and each user can set permissions for the uploaded file to access to other users. I want to use Azure Blob Storage of Azure File Storage for the uploaded files to be saved. I need to check and validate the uploaded files before saving them, though users should upload their files on web server and then the web server will validate the files and save them to Azure Storage using Access Key. To get accessed the files using

Does Azure Storage Emulator Support File Shares?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-11 03:49:41
问题 I have the Azure Storage Emulator running but it currently looks like (as of v5.6.0.0) that it only supports Blob, Queue, and Table storage: BlobEndpoint: QueueEndpoint: TableEndpoint: The confusing part is when you configure a local connection via the desktop Azure Storage Explorer by selecting Attached to a local emulator , there's an option for Files port. Am I missing something here? 回答1: From the docs The File

How to get or calculate size of Azure File/Share or Service

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-11 00:54:04
问题 I am currently building a multi tenant Web App to be hosted in Azure which will use Azure File Services to store each clients data - a distinct File Share will be used for each client to provide isolation. My question is - how can I discover the size of all files within a particular file share? (For billing purposes). I have PowerShell scripts etc to calculate the size of Blob storage, but nothing for File Storage. Does anyone know if this is possible and how it can be done, preferably from

Azure Blob vs File vs Disk storage

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-10 18:21:44
问题 Quick question. I've been reading tons of information about the azure blob/file/disk storage options and I have a such simple storage requirement that I'm confused as to what would be the best choice. Most of the information I'm reading is going totally over my head. I was hoping someone might be able to narrow down the field of view to a more reasonable sized set of pros/cons. My situation is as follows: I am building an API that is doing image processing. To put it simply, the user makes a

How to move a file on Azure File Storage from one sub folder to another sub folder using the Azure Storage SDK?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-10 12:59:20
问题 I'm trying to figure out how to move a file in Azure File Storage from one location to another location, in the same share. E.g. source -> \\Share1\someFile.txt destination -> \\Share1\Foo\Bar\someFile.txt Do I need to copy the file first, then delete the source? What if the destination sub-directory aren't there? do I need to CreateIfNotExistsAsync for each sub-directory, first? cheers! 回答1: This is documented in the Getting Started guide on Azure Storage Files reference. What you need is