
Issue in blocking user in chatlist using smack and open fire server

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-02-19 17:07:35
问题 I want to block a particular friend from my chat list with XMPP . code works fine. There is no Exception, but I am not able to block a user. I'm using open fire server. what changes should i made on server? Can u guys have any idea? My code: public void XMPPAddNewPrivacyList(Connection connection, String userName) { String listName = "newList"; // Create the list of PrivacyItem that will allow or // deny some privacy aspect List<PrivacyItem> privacyItems = new Vector<PrivacyItem>();

Issue in blocking user in chatlist using smack and open fire server

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-02-19 16:56:22
问题 I want to block a particular friend from my chat list with XMPP . code works fine. There is no Exception, but I am not able to block a user. I'm using open fire server. what changes should i made on server? Can u guys have any idea? My code: public void XMPPAddNewPrivacyList(Connection connection, String userName) { String listName = "newList"; // Create the list of PrivacyItem that will allow or // deny some privacy aspect List<PrivacyItem> privacyItems = new Vector<PrivacyItem>();

Login exception SASL authentication failed using mechanism DIGEST-MD5 asmack in android

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-02-01 05:25:08
问题 I m try to connect with Xmpp server,But i m getting exception Login exception SASL authentication failed using mechanism DIGEST-MD5 i use this code ,can any one help me,or code try { if (xmppConnection == null) { ConnectionConfiguration config = new ConnectionConfiguration( SERVER_HOST, SERVER_PORT, SERVICE_NAME); xmppConnection = new XMPPConnection(config); System.out.println("xmppConnection"+xmppConnection); } if (!xmppConnection.isConnected()) { xmppConnection.connect(); System.out.println

Keep the connection alive in openfire but show user as offline in xmpp

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-17 12:27:26
问题 I am developing an android chat application using openfire smack library.I have created a bound service to listen to messages when the is in background.The connection object is also maintained by service.Service is working fine as listening to background messages,but the problem is user is shown online all the time when the app is in background.Keeping the connection is also necessary so that user can listen to messages but this connection is showing user online all the time.I want to show

how to handle keep alive connection in android Service

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-01-14 09:00:10
问题 I am using asmack for an android IM application, where I am using remote service with AIDL interface. Inside of onStartCommand method of my service I write code as below. I create connection and then login using that. When anyone run my application inside onCreate method of main activity of my application run my service getApplicationContext.StartService(serviceIntent) . It's working fine, but after few minutes (sometimes 10 minutes and some time more than ten) messageListener that I attach

Getting ExecutionException on receiving file using asmack in Android

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-01-14 04:26:30
问题 I'm trying for sharing files using asmack-2010.05.07.jar, I'm sending successfully but receiving 0kb file with ExecutionException . My sending and receiving code is: SENDING FILE: private void sendFile(XMPPConnection connection) { configureProviderManager(connection); // Create the file transfer manager FileTransferNegotiator.setServiceEnabled(connection, true); //FileTransferNegotiator.IBB_ONLY = true; FileTransferManager manager = new FileTransferManager(connection); // Create the outgoing

“MultiUserChat.addInvitationListener” not being called

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-01-04 14:19:04
问题 I am working on a GroupChat process. I have successfully sent the invitation and using PSI i have received this invitation. But M unable to invoke my own " MultiUserChat.addInvitationListener ". I have done this many ways but in-vain. Here is one of my attempt. ProviderManager pm = ProviderManager.getInstance(); pm.addExtensionProvider("x", "", new MUCUserProvider()); MultiUserChat.addInvitationListener(mXmppConnection, MyClass.this); And doing " MyClass

Typing Status Smack 4.1

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-01-01 19:17:31
问题 Hey I am trying to get typing status when the other person starts writing even though it is returning an empty message with the state as a message but it is coming from proccessMessage method. Shouldn't it be returned in the stateChanged? I haven't enabled any PacketProvider though, Do i have to do it so this would be returned in the stateChanged method? I would appreciate any help. newChat = chatmanager.createChat(contactUsername + sc.DOMAIN, new ChatStateListener() { @Override public void

Typing Status Smack 4.1

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-01-01 19:17:25
问题 Hey I am trying to get typing status when the other person starts writing even though it is returning an empty message with the state as a message but it is coming from proccessMessage method. Shouldn't it be returned in the stateChanged? I haven't enabled any PacketProvider though, Do i have to do it so this would be returned in the stateChanged method? I would appreciate any help. newChat = chatmanager.createChat(contactUsername + sc.DOMAIN, new ChatStateListener() { @Override public void

how to get user online or offline in asmack, android [duplicate]

大憨熊 提交于 2020-01-01 08:54:10
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 6 years ago . Possible Duplicate: XMPP aSmack - How can I get the current user state (offline/online/away/etc.)? I am developing chat app on Android base on asmack lib. I display all the user on the ListView but I use an image to show online/offline user. But It return offline image only, even the user is online, here is my code @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // setContentView(R