
Embedding Matplotlib Animations in Python (google colab notebook)

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-08-09 16:27:06
问题 I am trying to show a gif file in google's colab.research. I was able to save the file in the directory with the following path name /content/BrowniamMotion.gif but I don't know how to show this GIF in my notebook to present. The code to generate the GIF so far, in case someone can manipulate it not to save the GIF but rather to animate it directly into the google colab file was, # Other Brownian Motion from math import * import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits

gnuplot animation 2D vector fields

梦想与她 提交于 2020-07-10 05:34:47
问题 I'm trying to animate 2D vector with gnuplot. I want to show one line i.e, one vector at a time. My Data Structure is as follows: They x,y,u,v 2.24448 0.270645 1.00 1.00 3.24448 0.270645 0.500 1.20 I'm able to create a static plot sing following command: plot "datam.dat" using 1:2:3:4 with vectors filled head lw 3 Here is the output: Here is my question: I would like to animate and show one row (i.e,) one vector at a time , how to accomplish this in GNU plot using GIF? Thanks 回答1: Animated

How to use palettegen and paletteuse filters with FFmpeg in C++?

大憨熊 提交于 2020-07-08 00:31:17
问题 I want to create an animated gif in a QT project. When I scale the a QImage to AV_PIX_FMT_RGB8 directly the output looks awfull with flickering artifacts and when I scale to AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P in between the output is dithered witch does not look much better. I found out that ffmpeg is able to produce a palette file using a filter called palettegen and then convert a movie to gif using this palette. Is there any sample c++ file out which I could use for my project or does anybody have a clue

PHP imagick or any other tool, how to detect if there is visible transparency on gifs files

戏子无情 提交于 2020-05-13 14:37:05
问题 I am working on a service that can do conversions from gif to mp4 files (with ffmpeg ). My problem is some of the gifs have visible transparent areas which end up as white color when I convert them to mp4 video. To avoid that problem I am trying detect if a gif has visible transparent areas so I will avoid converting them to mp4. I tried to use getImageAlphaChannel() function from imagick. if ($imagick->getImageAlphaChannel()) { echo 'transparent image'; } else { echo 'not transparent image';

How to add GIF images to Assets folder and load them in UIImageView programmatically

可紊 提交于 2020-05-10 15:41:50
问题 I am trying to put my @2x and @3x GIF images into the Assets folder in Xcode. I have tried the following links but it didn't work for me. Link 1 and Link 2. I am currently loading the GIF files by adding them to my project bundle and accessing it using this let bundleURL = NSBundle.mainBundle() .URLForResource("phone_animation", withExtension: "gif") But I want to load them from my Assets folder. Is there a way I can do it? And how do I load them into my imageview after adding it to Assets?

How to add GIF images to Assets folder and load them in UIImageView programmatically

自作多情 提交于 2020-05-10 15:39:12
问题 I am trying to put my @2x and @3x GIF images into the Assets folder in Xcode. I have tried the following links but it didn't work for me. Link 1 and Link 2. I am currently loading the GIF files by adding them to my project bundle and accessing it using this let bundleURL = NSBundle.mainBundle() .URLForResource("phone_animation", withExtension: "gif") But I want to load them from my Assets folder. Is there a way I can do it? And how do I load them into my imageview after adding it to Assets?

Is there a way to check if a GIF image has animation with PHP or Java?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-03-21 20:05:11
问题 You know that GIF files support animation, but a GIF image not necesarily must have an animation on it. Is there a way to check if a GIF image has an animation using php or java? Thanks. 回答1: Here is a little PHP script that should be able to determine if an image is an animated gif or not. I have tested it and it works for me. <?php $img="your_image"; $file = file_get_contents($img); $animated=preg_match('#(\x00\x21\xF9\x04.{4}\x00\x2C.*){2,}#s', $file); if ($animated==1){ echo "This image

Creating a gif with gnuplot: Gif doesn't play

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-01-25 20:17:52
问题 I want to do a gif animation with gnuplot so I wrote: set terminal gif size 1000,800 animate delay 6 set output 'foobar.gif' set xrange [0:64] set yrange [0:64] do for [i=100:5000:100] { plot sprintf('folder\name%d.dat',i) u 2:3:(20*$5):(20*$6) with vectors filled head lw 3, sprintf('folder\name%d.dat',i) u 2:3 with points pt 7 ps 2 } The problem is that, although it doesn't show any error nor warning, when I open the gif file with chrome or ie it doesn't play the gif. What's wrong with it? I

A more efficient way to render animated GIFs in React Native

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-24 20:00:35
问题 I'm working on a react native app which works with a lot of animated GIFs. I've tried using the react native documented library com.facebook.fresco:animated-gif:1.3.0 for animated gif support, yet, the performance of the default Image component is terrible, but using FastImage package I am able to get, at maximum, 10 gifs. As there is the possibility of integrating the native libraries in React Native, I was wondering what could a solution to this problem? 回答1: I've tested a couple ways to

Rotate an animated GIF (ImageIcon) using AffineTransform

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-01-16 18:43:12
问题 I am trying to rotate an animated gif stored in an ImageIcon using an AffineTransform. The result is that the image does not get drawn. Here's my code: AffineTransform trans = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(imgYaw, img.getImage().getWidth(null) / 2, img.getImage().getHeight(null) / 2); AffineTransformOp transo = new AffineTransformOp(trans, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); BufferedImage bufferedimg = new BufferedImage(img.getImage().getWidth(null), img.getImage().getHeight(null),