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I have tried to write a code in fortran to calculate the coordination number. But a got these errors
coord.f:43.72: read(13,*) ri(i), g(2,2,i), g(1,2,i), g(1,2,i), g(1, 1 Error: Expected array subscript at (1) coord.f:78.38: call integrate(npts-1,ri,gt,ans) 1 Warning: Rank mismatch in argument 'ans' at (1) (scalar and rank-2) coord.f:79.8: t1(ia,ib)=ans 1 Error: Incompatible ranks 0 and 2 in assignment at (1) coord.f:52.32: call coordination(ri,g,ro,num) 1 Warning: Invalid procedure argument at (1)
This is the code below which I have tried for it. Can anyone please help me to solve these errors?
ccccc Solution for Coordination number: c 2 :macro-ion c 1 :counter-ion include "prmts" ! parameter for npts, l, pi, bl! character init*10 integer icont(l,l) double precision grid, dm22, dr, dt, num double precision g(l,l,npts), & ro(l,l),z(l),r(l),ri(npts),dm(l,l), & h(l,l,npts),ans(l,l), t1(l,l),gt(npts) open(unit=13,file='grm.out.txt',status='old') open(unit=14,file='cor.out',status='unknown') read(13,*)(z(i),i=1,l) ! algebric charge ! read(13,*)(r(i),i=1,l) ! radious of ions ! read(13,*)ro(2,2) ! no.density of 2 ! do i = 1, l r(i) = r(i) enddo dm22 = dm22 dr = r(2)/grid ro(2,2) = ro(2,2) ro(1,1) = -z(2)*ro(2,2)/z(1) ! From condition of electro neutrality ! open(unit=13,file='grm.out.txt',status='old') do i=1, npts-1 read(13,*) ri(i), g(2,2,i), g(1,2,i), g(1,2,i), g(1,1,i) enddo close(13) CCCCC CALCULATE COORDINATION NUMBER call coordination(ri,g,ro,num) write(14,*)"# Cornum = ", num(ia,ib) write(14,*)"#----------------------------------------------" write(14,*)"# num22 num21 num12 num11 " write(14,*)"#----------------------------------------------" 999 format( 4f18.6) stop end ! end of main ! subroutine coordination(ri,g,ro,num) include 'prmts' ! for l, npts, pi and bl ! double precision ri(npts), g(l,l,npts), ro(l,l) & , num(l,l), ans(l,l), t1(l,l),gt(npts) integer i, ia, ib CCCCC COORDINATION NUMBER CCCCC Cornum : Coordination number. do ia=1,l do ib=1,l do i=1,npts-1 gt(i)=g(ia,ib,i)*ri(i)**2 enddo call integrate(npts-1,ri,gt,ans) t1(ia,ib)=ans enddo enddo CCCCC COORDINATION NUMBER do ia=1,l do ib=1,l num(ia,ib)= 4.0d0*pi*ro(ib,ib)*t1(ia,ib) enddo enddo write(*,*) 'Cornum = ', num(ia,ib) end subroutine integrate(n,x,y,ans) integer nin, nout parameter (nin=5,nout=6) double precision ans, error integer ifail, n double precision x(n), y(n) ifail = 1 call pintegr(x,y,n,ans,error,ifail) if (ifail.eq.0) then write (nout,99999) 'integral = ', ans, + ' estimated error = ', error else if (ifail.eq.1) then write (nout,*) 'less than 4 points supplied' else if (ifail.eq.2) then write (nout,*) + 'points not in increasing or decreasing order' else if (ifail.eq.3) then write (nout,*) 'points not all distinct' end if return 99999 format (1x,a,e12.4,a,e12.4) end subroutine pintegr(x,y,n,ans,er,ifail) double precision ans, er integer n double precision x(n), y(n) double precision c, d1, d2, d3, h1, h2, h3, h4, r1, r2, r3, * r4, s integer i, nn ans = 0.0d0 er = 0.0d0 if ( go to 20 ifail = 1 return h2 = x(2) - x(1) 20 do 80 i = 3, n h3 = x(i) - x(i-1) if (h2*h3) 40, 40, 80 write(*,*)'points not specified correctly' 40 ifail = 3 return continue 80 d3 = (y(2)-y(1))/h2 h3 = x(3) - x(2) d1 = (y(3)-y(2))/h3 h1 = h2 + h3 d2 = (d1-d3)/h1 h4 = x(4) - x(3) r1 = (y(4)-y(3))/h4 r2 = (r1-d1)/(h4+h3) h1 = h1 + h4 r3 = (r2-d2)/h1 ans = h2*(y(1)+h2*(d3/2.0d0-h2*(d2/6.0d0-(h2+2.0d0*h3)*r3/12.0d0)) * ) s = -(h2**3)*(h2*(3.0d0*h2+5.0d0*h4)+10.0d0*h3*h1)/60.0d0 r4 = 0.0d0 nn = n - 1 do 120 i = 3, nn ans = ans + h3*((y(i)+y(i-1))/2.0d0-h3*h3*(d2+r2+(h2-h4)*r3) * /12.0d0) c = h3**3*(2.0d0*h3*h3+5.0d0*(h3*(h4+h2)+2.0d0*h4*h2))/120.0d0 er = er + (c+s)*r4 if ( s = c if (i.eq.3) s = s + 2.0d0*c if (i-n+1) 100, 140, 100 h1 = h2 100 h2 = h3 h3 = h4 d1 = r1 d2 = r2 d3 = r3 h4 = x(i+2) - x(i+1) r1 = (y(i+2)-y(i+1))/h4 r4 = h4 + h3 r2 = (r1-d1)/r4 r4 = r4 + h2 r3 = (r2-d2)/r4 r4 = r4 + h1 r4 = (r3-d3)/r4 continue 120 continue 140 ans = ans + h4*(y(n)-h4*(r1/2.0d0+h4*(r2/6.0d0+(2.0d0*h3+h4) * *r3/12.0d0))) er = er - h4**3*r4*(h4*(3.0d0*h4+5.0d0*h2)+10.0d0*h3*(h2+h3+h4)) * /60.0d0 + s*r4 ans = ans + er ifail = 0 return end END of Program