Neo4j cypher query : using ORDER BY with COLLECT(S)

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-01 21:31:26

The "Order by" expects a property on a node or a relationship. The "questions" in your query is a collection of nodes instead of a node/relationship, you can't sort a collection using "Order by", you can only sort nodes or relationships on their properties.

In order to use "Order by", you need to return the questions as a column of rows rather than a collection. In terms of the relationships indicated in your original query, the following query should return the general and the specific game questions as a column of rows and sort them on the property "dateCreated",

START group = node(627) 
Match question-[?:GENERAL_QUESTION|GAME_QUESTION]->()<-[:GAMES*0..1]-(group)
Return distinct question
Order by question.dateCreated

For the expanded case where the game questions are related to the group via the sequence of relationships "gamesQuestions-[?:GAME_QUESTION]->games<-[:GAMES]-group, I have gamesQuestions-[:GAME_QUESTION]->()<-[:QUESTIONS]-games-[:INTERESTS]->()<-[:HAS_‌​INTEREST_FOR]-interests<-[:INTERESTS]-group", you can simply extend the pattern in the previous query as follows,

START group = node(627) 
Match question-[:GENERAL_QUESTION|GAME_QUESTION]->()-[*0..4]-(group)
Return distinct question
Order by question.dateCreated

The idea is to match the questions that can reach the group node with either one step, or 4 more steps.

Another option is to specify the two patterns in the where clause,

START group = node(627) 
MATCH question-[*]-group
Where question-[:GENERAL_QUESTION]->group or (question-[:GAME_QUESTION]->()<-[:QUESTIONS]-()-[:INTERESTS]->()<-[:HAS_INTERESTS_FOR]-()<-[:INTERESTS]-group)
Return distinct q
Order by q.dateCreated