Unmatched quotation mark issue in SAS

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-01 21:14:42

When using the macro language (including the %let command) you do not want to use quotes to identify text strings. To place a single quote in a string you must use one of the macro utility masking functions such as %str(). The correct syntax to place a single unmatched quote in a macro variable using %let is shown below. The % symbol before the single quote is an escape character to tell SAS that the following character (a single quote) should be used as a literal. Also note that I've removed the double quotes from the %let as they are not required.

%let quoted=%str(I%'d like to);
data temp;    

Cheers Rob

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve in the actual situation, but in the above situation it can be solved removing the double quotation marks in the data step.

%let quoted="I'd like to";
data temp;
    set temp;