How do I name and link an IBAction button created in a storyboard

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-01 19:50:39

Here is how you add an IBOutlet to a header or a .m file:

  1. Open your storyboard editor on one window. Position it in such a way that the button is visible
  2. Open the header or the .m file in another window. Position the text in such a way so that the piece of code where you want the outlet added is visible
  3. Highlight the button in the storyboard, and hold the Control key down.
  4. Drag the button into the header or the .m file. You will see a blue line as you drag, and a blue marker where the outlet will be added.
  5. When the marker is at the place where you want it, release the mouse button. The outlet will be inserted and connected to the storyboard.

Here is a post that illustrates this process with a video.
