C# to F# Convert public partial class Device : MarshalByRefObject

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-01 18:41:49

As leppie says, there's no direct support for partial, although you could achieve a similar effect with intrinsic type extensions. F# does support internal methods, so your example would look like:

// primary definition somewhere
type Device() =
  inherit MarshalByRefObject()

// type extension (roughly equivalent to partial class)
type Device with
  member internal this.FindTagName(name:string, tag:OneTag) =
    |> Seq.exists 
         (fun fs -> 
            |> Seq.exists (fun ot -> ot <> tag && ot.name = name))

partial is a C# compiler feature, it ain't gonna work on F#, you will have to combined all the partial classes, or inherit from an existing one.
