I downloaded the new VS 2017 yesterday and it is working fine, except that I am getting this warning on every line where I call the static method Frame.ReadCsv
from the Deedle
FS10001 This method is not intended for use from F#
Calls to other static methods Frame.X
do not generate the same warning.
Example - this line of code generates the warning:
let msft =
Frame.ReadCsv(Config.tsDir + "MSFT.csv",
Intellisense recognizes the method and provides the appropriate hints, which fit exactly with the signature in http://bluemountaincapital.github.io/Deedle/reference/deedle-frame.html
This snippet works OK:
open Deedle
open System.IO
let main argv =
let csv = @"C:\tmp\testDeedle.csv"
File.Exists csv |> printfn "%A"
let df = Frame.ReadCsv(csv,hasHeaders=true,inferTypes=true)
df.GetColumn("Date") |> printfn "%A"
printfn "%A" argv
0 // return an integer exit code
It seems you have to use ReadCsv(path="file.csv") instead of ReadCsv(location="file.csv"). The first case provides you with an interface that has option values for optional settings instead of nullables, and addresses the correct overload.