How do you change a user's email address in Phabricator

你。 提交于 2019-12-01 15:14:00

Administrators can not change email addresses because it would let them change a user's email address to their own, reset the user's password, and then log in as the user. Administrators are not all-powerful in Phabricator's permission model, and can not compromise accounts, act as other users, or violate policies.

If you need to change an address because you made a mistake when creating a new account, you can delete the account and recreate it.

You need to update the mysql database. In the phabricator_user db alter your email address in the user_email table. Administrators may not be all-powerful, but DBAs are.

As bridiver writes, you need to change the address directly in the database. For that, you can use a helper Phabricator script to connect to the database:

$ phabricator/bin/storage shell

mysql> use phabricator_user;
Database changed
mysql> update user_email set address='' where address='';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

mysql> quit

It might be new, but they have a way now. I'll just list it here in case anyone has the same question later.

Log in to the server, where you have your Phabricator install, and use ./bin/accountadmin. That will let you change or add accounts at will. If you just want to look at the user, you can look in the phabricator_user database and check the user table or the user_profile table.
