Piping process output to new process

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-01 12:58:57

Came up with a simple solution.

Using the the CMD process as your starting process.

var p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
p.StartInfo.Arguments = "/C rtmpdump.exe -v -r rtmp://somehost.com/app-name -o - |       ffmpeg.exe -loglevel quiet -i - -c:v copy -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 128k \"test.mp4\"";

And using this bit of code right after starting the process to get the last created rtmpdump process.

Process[] allDumps = Process.GetProcessesByName("rtmpdump"); // get all rtmp processes
if (allDumps.Any())
    Process newestProcess = allDumps.OrderByDescending(x => x.StartTime).First(); // get the last one created     
    // Add the newly captured process to your list of processes for use later.

I am learning as much as I am answering here.

It seems there is not an easy way to manage multiple processes with the same name (int this case rtmpdump.exe).

Instead of using process name or PID, there seems another way by using the console command START and giving different window title name to it started by START.

In the command console, you would type in something like:

C:\>start "dumpProc01" rtmpdump.exe -v -r .......
C:\>start "dumpProc02" rtmpdump.exe -v -r .......
C:\>start "dumpProc03" rtmpdump.exe -v -r .......

And kill one specific process with the taskkill command. For example:

C:\>taskkill /fi "windowtitle eq dumpProc01"

To apply START to your process creation, the process argument would be:

// from this
p.StartInfo.Arguments = "/C rtmpdump.exe ....

// to this
p.StartInfo.Arguments = "/C start \"dumpProc01\" rtmpdump.exe -v -r ....

And for killing a specific process you would make a taskkill process:

Process kp = new Process();
kp.StartInfo.FileName = "taskkill.exe";
kp.StartInfo.Arguments = "/fi \"windowtitle eq dumpProc01\" ";

You can give /min option for the start command like start /min ... to minimize windows.
