JPA - Using Multiple data sources to define access control

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-01 12:27:06

You are probably best off using three separate persistence units in your persistence.xml if you need three different logins. Or just have a single login with full access and validate security in your application (which you seem to be doing in part anyway).

What error did you get on deploy?

You can do it with one persistence unit in EclipseLink but it is more involved, and you cannot use container managed entity managers. You would inject a @PersistenceUnit (EntityManagerFactory) instead of an @PersistenceContext (EntityManager), then you would need to pass the new login parameters to createEntityManager(). You would need to set the "eclipselink.jdbc.exclusive-connection.mode" property to "Always" (or "Isolated" and make the secure data isolated).

